Chapter 29: Changes

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Arthur Leywin POV

" That was exhausting..." I complained as Alea and I walked through the portal that led us to the flying castle

Today we were announced to the whole continent as Lances, the strongest mages in the world. Needless to say, as both Alea and I were commoners we got some nasty looks from humans and dwarves, the two races that are hell-bent on the caste system that is in place. For them, the fact that we, the lower bloods, were declared as the strongest mages is like an insult

The looks Blaine gave me were the worst of all. It seemed like the fact that I became elven rather than human Lance hurt his mountain-like pride, and it was obvious that he had a thing or two against me. Thankfully, Queen Priscilla was always there to stop him when he had a fit of rage or some plan to plot against me

' I'll have to thank her later ' I thought while slowly making my way to where the party for the most influential nobles of Dicathen will take its place

Once inside, I realized that all attention was on me, the youngest Lance among the seven of them. Many were skeptical when they found out that I am only thirteen, but they didn't dare to challenge me, knowing that it's the same as challenging the council itself

" Lance Arthur, it's nice to finally meet you" said a fat, human man that was accompanied by a lady that wore a sly smirk, even winking at me while looking over my body " I am count of Sapin, Andria von Asswiper" he introduced himself

' Pft! Come on! Princess, can I come out to say a word or two about his surname? ' Regis begged, his malicious intent all too evident

' Don't 'I scolded ' Even though I reached white core and you don't have to stabilize my core anymore, I don't want you to come out and make chaos ' I said and cut off the communication, sending him just a bit more aether to prevent his complains

" It's nice to meet you, mister and miss Asswiper" I said with an elegant bow, barely holding back a laugh that threatened to emerge at any given moment " I hope that we will have more chances to meet in the future" and just like that, with the minimal amount of courtesy, I was able to avoid painfully long conversation

The music in the hall was nice, perfectly fitting for an occasion like this. People around me danced and chatted. I even spotted some races talking among each other, proving that the unification of the continent is starting to take its place even out of formalities

It was very fascinating to see the part of the process I couldn't in the original timeline. Even if those parts were the dirty looks some of the human nobles gave to the dwarves

The rest of the Lances were all busy in their own way. Olfred was talking with Radeas and some of his acquaintances, while the other dwarven Lance, Mica, seemed exhausted from keeping it all formal for the entire day

' I will have to talk with her later' I thought while moving my attention elsewhere

Back when she was imprisoned, and even during our mission I formed a very strong friendship with Mica. Even though she doesn't remember any of it, I plan on rebuilding it, not willing to lose my best friend among the Lances

Bairon was with his family, talking with the rest of high ranked nobles and fighting his own battle. The battle nobles are famous for, battle of mind. It was just his poor luck that Bairon is extremely weak when it comes to it

Varay stood alone, excluding her cold aura- even without using any mana- and making others too afraid to approach. Her face at first glance seemed expressionless, but after getting to know her better I could see a hint of sadness on her face, showing just how depressed she is because no one is approaching her

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