Let me help you

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Jack's POV
I can't believe I was too distracted to realize my sleeves were up, I should have been paying attention. Now Mark probably hates me, he's stopped trying to call, he probably thinks that I deserve what I've done...I do deserve what I've done, he was the only one left that brought out the joy in me and now he knows. And know he knows. That phrase bounced around in my head for a good ten minutes. It's 4pm now, might as well go take a shower then go to bed. I won't be uploading anything tomorrow, I don't have any backup recordings.
Mark's POV
I got on the plane, maybe I should try and Skype him again before take off. I tried, same as before no answer. I pulled out my phone and posted on all my social media except YouTube that there would be no video tomorrow, I left it at that no explanation.
**Time skip**
The plane landed, I quickly realized I had no plan for if Jack didn't let me in. Well crap, I didn't think this through very well. I shook it off, determined to help my friend. His smile always made me so happy, I needed to bring it back and I needed to let him know I cared for him and that hurting himself wasn't the way to deal with problems. Finally after searching around for what seemed like ages, I ran into someone that recognized me and pointed me in the direction of Jack's apartment.
Jack's POV
I fell onto my bed, it was now 5pm. A hot one hour shower and yet the pain in Mark's eyes still hunted my thoughts. Suddenly a knock on my door shook me from my half asleep state, I wonder who could possibly be knocking at my door. Sluggishly I walked to the door I didn't take the chain lock off, I cracked the door to see who it was.
My heart leaped out of me with so many emotions, joy, dread, surprise, and a warmth I only felt when I would see Mark staring back at me. I then shut the door, took the chain off and opened it fully, before Mark could knock agian or protest to me shutting it.
Mark's POV
"Jack!" I yelled, happy to see him. Aside from being able to see his arms as he held the door party open with one arm sticking outside the apartment. He didn't seem to hear me, he shut the door. However before I could protest, he re-opened it all the way and invited me in warmly. I noticed him immediately tugging for a sleeve, he then realized he wasn't wearing his hoodie. He quickly retreated his arms behind his back.
"So why are you here!? You should be in L.A. not Ireland." He said slowly inching in the direction of his kitchen.
"I came to see you, I got the first flight I could. It landed a LOT earlier then it was supposed to though." I finally decided to turn to see what seemed to have a gravitational pull on Jack. My eyes managed to catch a glimpse of his hoodie laying on a chair in the kitchen, just barely visible due to a plant in my field of vision. "Enough," I said I walked into the kitchen before he could react, I grabbed the hoodie and walked into the living room. Jack followed, obviously pleading with his eyes for me to allow him access to his hoodie. Not happening.

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