I'll protect you

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Jack's POV
**after breakfast**
I always have fun around Mark, he can always cheer me up. Even when she finds her way back into my mind. I stopped the car at a red light, we were on our way back to the apartment. "Jack, green means go in Ireland too, I'm pretty sure." Mark snaped me outta my thoughts and I began driving again. Mark didn't like driving on the way here, so I was driving us back now. "Hey mark, how long are you staying for?"
He thought for only a few moments before saying, "I think I won't have to stay only a little longer." Why's that, no don't get selfish. Mark has a ton of subs that he has to get back to. He can't stay and babysit you forever.
Mark's POV
"I think I won't have to stay only a little longer." His eyes became a little duller after I said that, I don't think he understands why I won't have to stay. I looked out the window. He's gotten a lot better, just by me being here. Surely if I leave in a day or two he'll by then already be back to his old self. He stopped the car in the driveway
**time skip**
I was sitting on the couch watching YouTube whike jack went to go take a shower, soon after I finished the first video I realized I hadn't heard him run the water yet. I could hear a soft sobbing sound from behind the bathroom door.
Jack's POV
I told Mark I was going to go take a shower, but really I just wanted to try and text her. I texted her for what seemed like the millionth time only this month, again no reply. The last text she sent me said 'Goodbye Sean, I love you and always will but I've found someone else that lives closer. And he loves me as much as I have loved you, now I love you both and must choose. Goodbye my love.'
I've been heart broken ever since and with each text I send it only gets worse, I sat in the bottom of the tub for a little bit then texted again. No reply, this time I began to get mad at myself for being too stupid and wrapped up in my own life not to care enough for her. I grabbed the closest razor, it hurt like the others. But soon it became numb just the same as I did it again, I continued crying with each new cut.
Suddenly I heard a knock on the door, I quickly tried to clean everything thing up. I didn't want Mark to be sad for me, I just wanted to punish myself. Not him, never him. "Jack?" His voice was soft and worry filled. "Jack, you ok in there?" I had to think fast.
"Yea..yea Mark, just..just cleaning..." I waited to see if he bought my pathetic lie. Of course he didn't
"Jack, come out here please.. or at least unlock the door." I couldn't, I couldn't let him see. Yet the voice with which he spoke seemed to carry my hand to the door and open it for him. I had already put my hoodie back on, but the bathroom was still a mess so I stepped out instead of letting him in.
"Yea?" I said trying my best to ignore the numb pain I felt in my arms, I had only just cut then so they still bled slightly. The blood must've soaked throughmy hoodie sleeves, because Mark didn't look pleased. "Mark, I can.." I stared at him in confusion as he walked to the living room and sat on the couch. "Mark?" I said, afraid I had once again ruined everything.
Mark's POV
"Mark?" I heard him say, I wanted to cry. I didn't know what to do, I wanted to help him to protect him from all that could harm him...but how could I if he harmed himself?
"Jack, why?" I finally asked as he sat next to me. I just wanted to know why so that I could help. He simply took out his phone and placed it in my hands. This was his ex's contact, I scrolled through 5 months worth of Jack's pain. I set the phone on the table and hugged him, being careful not to hurt his arms. "I'll protect you from the pain, just promise me I won't have to protect you from yourself." He nodded and pointed to the clock. "Good night Jack, wake me up anytime tomorrow. It won't bother me."
"Ok, good night Mark. And thank you, thank you so much." We hugged agian before he went off to bed and I settled onto the couch.

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