Chapter 8: Mark who is that??

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Jack's POV
Mark had just left to go buy some dinner from the store, I was alone. I sat and watched YouTube for a few minutes then decided to go for a walk. I made sure to leave Mark a note, in case he came back while I was out. It would be awhile before i made it to the park so I simply walked in it's direction, not sure if I would actually make it there before turning back.
Mark's POV
I put the last item in the trunk of Jack's car, as I sat down in the driver's seat I pulled out my phone. I hadn't started the car yet and the door was still open, so I wasn't worried about texting and driving. I texted Jack, 'Hey, Just got the stuff loaded in the car. Be back soon.' I put my phone on the dash and shut the door, proceeding to start the car.
I pulled out into traffic, unfortunately I was still getting used to the whole 'backwards' roads thing. I had to remind myself often to stay on the 'wrong' side of the road. I got to the apartment safely, I unlocked the door and stepped in setting the groceries down on the kitchen table.
'Hey Mark, I went out for a walk. If you get home before me I'm gonna be walking towards the park so if you wanna you can come find me.'
I set the note down and walked back outside, I didn't bother with the car I just began to walk. After I made it to the park, I began looking for Jack. I didn't know the area well so I tried to stay close to the park signs. Soon enough I spotted Jack sitting on a bench staring up at the sky.
Jack's POV
I got tired of walking around the park, so I decided to ho home. If Mark wasn't there then I would just text him and ask where he was, but earlier he said that he was on his way back.
As I walked home I wondered if Mark had a hard time finding what he needed, I laughed at the thought of him trying to find the milk in the pizza isle. That seemed like something Mark would do, after all he seems to think that here nothing is normal so he just assumes everything is the complete opposite. Then agian the traffic is so I can't blame him for that much.
I got home and went to the kitchen to see the groceries on the table, so he obviously made it home but did he go to the park? "Mark, you here??" I shouted out, no reply so I texted him.
'Hey Mark, if you're at the park you can come home lol. I'm already home now so, unless you wanna get lost i suggest you get back here :p'
Mark's POV
I walked up to Jack, and sat beside him. "Hey, you ok?" I asked he didn't look down, instead he simp gave me a thumbs up. "Well," I began to say my phone the buzzed. I looked down to see a message from Jack. "Jack?" I asked the man
He removed his gaze from the sky and shifted it to me. "Yes? Who are you?" I was confused his face was the only difference from Jack..Sean I suppose I should say now that there's another Jack sitting beside me.
"Mark, sorry to bother you. You look strikingly similar to a close friend of mine, even the same name it appears." I said, I wasn't really sure what else to say.
"Well Mark, would you lake to watch the sky with me?"
"Uhh, sure?..Why are you watching the sky?" I asked still a bit confused but less about his looks and more about his behavior.
"It's calming." That's all he said before simply lifting his nose to the skys agian as he had before. I decided to look up as well, it took a few minutes for my eyes to relax due to the sun. After about what felt like only five minutes my phone buzzed agian, Sean.
'Hey where are you??? It's almost 6:30 you've been gone for almost two hours now???? Text me back so I know that you got this.'
"Hey Jack, thanks for letting me watch with you but i gotta go now." He didn't answer. "Bye Jack." I said, he simply whistled a soft tune and stopped short.

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