I'll be your reason to stop

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Jack's POV
No, I needed that. Quick Jack there's a spare in your room, run for it when he sets that one on the couch. As soon as I saw my chance I raced to my room and grabbed my red hoodie. I turned around as I was putting it on, Mark stood in my doorway with my blue hoodie from before. "Mark, give me back my hoodie." I said in more of a pleading voice then a firm voice, as I had ment for.
"No, you give me that hoodie." He said this with the firmness of which I ment to speak with. I studied him for a short moment, then sat on my bed and stared at the floor.
"I'm sorry." That's all i could think to say, "I'm sorry." I said agian. I continued to repeat the phrase untill I felt his warm yet gentle hand lift my chin. He was no longer holding the blue hoodie, instead he had placed it on my dresser.
"It's ok Jack, just tell me why. " He spoke with such care in his voice, his eyes glistened with worry. "Can I?" He asked, gently holding my elbow to lift my right arm. I nodded, it was all I could do besides staring into his eyes. He looked away and rolled my sleeve up, I didn't want to lookat it so I simply focused on my shoes.
Mark's POV
Jack nodded, allowing me to raise his sleeve. I crenged at the sight, I looked to see his reaction. He was simply staring at his shoes, or my knee that I had placed beside his left shoe. I couldn't tell, but I knew that he needed me. "I'm here now Jack." I said and without thinking I hugged him, I wasn't sure if he was shocked or if I had hurt his arms but his arms tensed. I released him and stood up, I then held out my hand. "Come on I think you could use a good walk around your block." He accepted my offer and took my hand rising off his bed. He held his head down, still focused on what I now knew was his shoe.
Jack's POV
Mark really seams to care, I think I should tell him... "Mark," I say as he opens my apartment door for our walk. "M..Mark, I didn't tell you because I was afraid." He looked back at me and shut the door, motioning to the couch instead. I sat and gathered my thoughts, he sat beside me clearly intent on listening. "I..I was afraid that if you knew you would get worried, and upset for me." He seemed confused but didn't speak so I continued. "You're what..who makes me smile now." He simply nodded showing he was still attentive. I sighed, " My girlfriend broke up with me five months back, that's when and why."
Mark simply hugged me tightly, he didn't speak for awhile. Then as if he had thought about the entire world he said, "I'll never stop trying to make you smile, I'm here for you and I'll stay here as long as you need." With those words I couldn't hold it back anymore and I cried into his chest. He began to hum a soft tune, it helped calm my tears and soon I was simply listening to his voice.
I smiled, I pulled away and looked at him. He stopped humming and smiled back. He held out his hand agian, I was confused this time. "The hoodie please." He said in a caring yet still slightly firm voice, this time I removed the hoodie and handed it to him. He smiled agian and set it on the coffee table, before standing. "It's really late, we should get to bed." I nodded and went to my room while he got settled on the couch.

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