What's really going on?

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Jack's POV
Well, it was nice getting to sleep in. And I didn't fall behind on videos. I smiled to myself, it's only 1pm so it's too early to skype Mark. I'm sure he sleeps past 5am, if he doesn't then wow I would love to have that kinda energy. I may be loud and hyper but I still need sleep.

Mark's POV
I woke up to my alarm clock, it's 7am. I need to get up and start uploading the video I edited last night, that way it's up by 8. I pulled myself outta bed and to my computer, I started the uploading process and when to the kitchen...eggs? No, cerial? No, BACON!! Yes, I started making bacon when I realized it's around 3pm where Jack is. I'll watch his video before I Skype him, just to be sure.
I got halfway through the video when I decided I had seen enough, this obviously started after this video was recorded. I got on Skype and called Jack, come on pick up. After a few minutes he didn't pick up, I looked at the clock and counted the eight hours difference agian. It's 7:30, 3:30pm there why didn't he pick up? I called agian.
Jack's POV
*fisrt call* Oh crap! Mark is calling, I didn't wanna answer without my hoodie on but I didn't wanna not answer ether. I rushed outta the kitchen and to my room, grabbed my hoodie and raced back to the kitchen only to find that I had one missed call. Great, just great now I'm gonna have to come up with a reason for not answering the first time. *second call* There he is agian, this time I answered see as how my hoodie was safely back on. "Hey there Mark!" I said in the most cheerful voice I coukd muster. I saw his look of worry turn quickly to joy as he took in the smile on my face.
"Geez Jack, you scared me I thought you were mad at me for letting you sleep in." He stuck his tongue out at me, for we both knew that wasn't the reason I slept in. I raised my hand up to pull down my bottom eye lid and stick my tongue back out at him, but quickly realized my mistake. I had forgotten to roll my sleeves down after putting my hoodie on.
Mark's face went from pure joy to pure horror at the sight of my arms. I quickly retreated them and ended the call.
Mark's POV
Jack hung up before I could recover from what I had seen, I tried calling him back many times. Each time there was no answer, I then put the pieces together. He hadn't been acting normal, because of that...I decided the only way I would get anything outta him was if he let me talk to him, and technology wasn't how intended to comfort my friend. I quickly booked the next flight to Ireland and packed my bags, I would be there tomorrow around 11pm his time.

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