Weird Quirks about their Powers

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Kai: his dragons spitting fire and dragon scale tattoos light up with an orange glow when he uses his powers.

Jay: his veins in his arms will turn into lightning marks when shooting lightning out of his hands.

Cole: His scar lights up orange when using his lava arms.

Zane: his temperature drops significantly, especially when fighting to run at an optimal temperature and avoid burning up his circuits and gears.

Lloyd: his eyes turn a shade greener when he uses his powers.

Nya: when she is overworked when using her powers, she won't sweat, unlike most guys when they are using their powers too much. Nya uses the humidity in the air to cool her down.

Skylor: she used to be a brunette before she absorbed powers, it wasn't until she absorbed powers when her hair started changing. She didn't mind, she actually likes her scarlet red hair.

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