Chapter 1: Prologue

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*September 2nd, 2005*

The screaming of a newborn baby could be heard down the halls of the hospital. The nurses grabbed the baby out of the doctor's hands and began to clean the baby up. "Can I see her?" A woman's weak voice echoed through the hospital room. "Of course," The nurse said and she set the baby on the woman's chest. "Congratulations," the nurse said as she backed away. "She's beautiful," a man said as he looked at his daughter.

"Our little Anastasia," the woman said with a smile. The nurse then walked up to the couple. "Do you mind if we take her to weigh and measure her?" A nurse asked and the woman nodded and handed the nurse Anastasia.

The nurse left the hospital room with the baby girl in her hands. "I've got the baby. I'm on my way out," the nurse said with a thick Irish accent, as she headed toward the nearest exit. "Perfect, see you soon," a voice said through the earpiece. As the fake nurse exited the hospital an alarm sounded throughout the hospital. "Quinn, you have thirty seconds left," a voice said.

"I know, I am almost there," Quinn said as she approached a black SUV and opened the passenger side door, and got inside. "What's her name?" Dina, Quinn's accomplice asked.

"They named her Anastasia," Quinn said as they drove out of the parking lot of the hospital. "How cute. Let's hope this will work," Dina said and Quinn sighed as the baby started to cry. "Ms. Fisher said it would, I don't see why she would be wrong," Quinn said as she tried her best to comfort the baby.


Quinn and Dina pulled up to a large stone building. The car came to a smooth stop and the engine was shut off. Quinn and Dina exited the vehicle and walked down the stone path to the entrance of the building. Quinn looked up at the words carved into the stone above the door, 'St. Joseph's Mental Health Institution.' Dina opened the heavy, dark wooden door and walked inside.

They were greeted by a tall woman with short blonde hair that only reached her shoulders. The expression on her face made Dina and Quinn shiver. "Good job, ladies," Alisha Fisher said as she motioned for the nurse next to her to grab the baby out of Quinn's arms. "We will take her from here," Alisha said and the nurse walked up to Quinn, but Quinn did not want to give the baby to her. "What are you planning to do with her?" Quinn asked.

"That is none of your concern, Agent," Alisha said in a stern voice and Quinn was still very hesitant. Alisha looked closer at Quinn. "Don't tell me you actually like the kid?" Alisha said and Quinn shook her head and the nurse took the baby out of Quinn's arms and walked down the hallway to the nursery. "You are dismissed," Alisha said and the two girls nodded and left down the opposite hall. "You shouldn't do that. You're going to get yourself in trouble," Dina said as they walked to the west wing of the building. "Since when were you one to give the advice, Dina?" Quinn asked and Dina sighed. "Since you decided to be stupid and talk back to Ms. Fisher," Dina said, and then the two separated from each other and went into their rooms to prepare for their classes.

Alisha walked down the hall behind the nurse and stopped in front of the window looking into a classroom. The students ranged from eight to ten years old, at least for this class they did. As the students noticed Alisha, their posture straightened and they held their chins high. They aimed their guns at the targets and the sound of the trigger being pulled and the bullet flying out of the muzzle of the gun echoed through the cobblestone walls of the institution. The bullet lodged itself into the head of the cardboard target. Alisha nodded in approval and continued her walk down the hallway. As she walked away the students in the classroom physically relaxed at the fact that she wasn't watching anymore.

*January 17th, 2010*

Five-year-old Anastasia stood along with other five-year-old girls in her class, Dina walked up and down the line of children. "This class is going to be one of the most important classes you will ever take. This class will teach you different forms of martial arts. As well as learning how to use every single weapon that is behind me. Now, let's get started," Dina said and she started to place the kids in duos. Dina taught a move and she let the kids figure it out on their partners since it was important to Dina for the kids to be able to figure things out by themselves.

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