Chapter 10: The House

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Anastasia, Oliver, Maeve, and Izzy's POV

The next morning before school Anastasia read another quarter of Eliza's book and brought it with her to school. Anastasia noticed the lack of her friends since none of them showed up. Anastasia texted them, but she never got a reply.

Anastasia had a free period and she spent the entire hour reading through Eliza's book until she came across something interesting. It was a very brief description of where one of the monsters hides. Anastasia read it over and over again in hopes she would be able to think of anything that sounds similar to the description. It read;

'A house on the end of a road by the woods. Most likely abandoned with no other houses around it. People in the town may call it 'The Haunted House' or 'The Murder House.' They use it as a scare tactic for newcomers. If you know what house it is I strongly recommend you burn it to the ground.' Anastasia stared at the paper going through all of the scary-looking houses in her mind.

That is until one popped into her mind. It was abandoned forty-six years ago. There were rumors that the husband murdered his wife and his son and then killed himself. It was never proven to be true, but the bodies were found. The police had multiple theories, but they could never figure out what happened. It's been unsolved ever since.

Anastasia realized the connections and she quickly left the library. It was only her second class of the day, but she couldn't wait any longer. Anastasia walked down the hallway and towards the exit. As she was she was forging her mother's signature so she could leave the school without any trouble. Anastasia walked up to the front desk of the school. "Hi, I need to be signed out for the rest of the day. I have a doctor's appointment that I need to attend," Anastasia said.

"Do you have a signature from a parent or legal guardian?" The front desk lady asked Anastasia handed the piece of paper over to the lady and she took it. "Alright, I'll mark you absent for the rest of school. Have a good day, Ms. Fraser," the front desk lady said.

"Thanks, you too," Anastasia said before walking out of the school. She grabbed her phone and went to text Izzy and Oliver. Oliver would most likely be at school, but Izzy on the other hand hasn't been to school since her sister died. To her surprise, both of them replied quickly. Neither of them was in school, Oliver just didn't want to go and Izzy didn't have to. Anastasia sent them both a text letting them know that she will be picking them up soon.

She got into her car and began to drive towards her house to pick up Maeve. She hasn't been enrolled in school yet so there was nothing to worry about there.

Anastasia pulled into the driveway and put her car in park, but she didn't turn off the engine. She walked into the house and she found Maeve reading a book on the couch. "Hey, I think I found a lead about the creature thing. Do you want to come with me? I'm about to go pick up Izzy and Oliver," Anastasia said and Maeve placed a bookmark into her book. "Yeah, I'll go with," Maeve said and she stood from the couch and went to go put on her shoes.


Anastasia had all three kids in the car and had just made a run to a gas station and a survivalist shop. It was as she was driving away from the gas station that she realized that it might've not been a good idea to bring Izzy and Oliver. She was fine with Maeve because she's been trained her entire life to be an assassin, but Izzy and Oliver? They have lived normal lives. They don't have any combat training or powers to protect them. Anastasia was beginning to regret inviting them.

"Do you know where this house is?" Izzy asked and Anastasia was brought out of her thoughts. "Sorta. I've seen it around, but I don't know what the address is. It might take us a bit to find it," Anastasia said and Maeve closed the book that Oliver had loaned to Anastasia. "So what is the plan?" Maeve asked.

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