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Jungkook pov

"Just, please, don't show up to work drunk." My manager's voice grates in my ear.

"It's just one of the hazards of the job."

I adjust the cell phone in my hand and look out the window of the cab.

The city slowly creeps by as we inch our way through the early morning rush hour.

"Besides, it's not like I'm really drunk."

"No, but I guarantee you smell like booze and have bloodshot eyes. Go home and sleep it off."

"You don't have anything on the schedule for today, so take the time to clean up and unwind."

Jin, my manager at Omega for Hire, sounds condescending at times, but his heart is in the right place.

He takes good care of the omegas he manages and makes sure none of us are overworked. He's kind of like a mother hen looking out for us all.

"Fine." I huff out a breath. "I'll go home and sleep."

"Good." I can practically hear Jin nod with satisfaction as he speaks.

"Be sure to drink plenty of water and don't forget to eat something."

"Yes, Father," I say with a mocking tone. "I'll be a good boy."

"You better. I'll see you tomorrow."

Jin hangs up without waiting for a reply. He's never been one to stand on ceremony. He could be a little less abrasive though.

I sigh and relay the change of plans to the cab driver. He seems all too happy to alter course since my apartment is in the opposite direction, and he'll basically get twice the fare.

I grimace as I thumb through the contents of my wallet. There should barely be enough to cover the ride.

Of course, I have plenty of money on my debit card, but I'm hesitant to make use of it.

I've been scraping together every single last penny to save up for a trip back home to see my mom.

She's been sick for a while now, and my sister doesn't think she'll make it to the end of the year.

I've got a little bit of time, but I don't want to cut it too close.

That's the main reason I've been agreeing to take clients out on all-night club hopping extravaganzas instead of staying strict about my hours like I normally do.

After hours adventures always pay more, and I've always got clients that want to spend more time with me.

As an escort at Omega for Hire, I'm used to hanging off the arms of powerful alphas as they attend parties and other events where they're loathe to show up alone.

Not to brag, but I'm one of those omegas who can make anyone look good.

I've put a lot of work into my looks, my brand, and my client list.

That's all paid off in the form of steady work that pays well.

Technically, I could book a flight back home first thing tomorrow, but between my apartment and my life style here in the city, I have to reserve a certain amount of money to maintain the facade.

If I don't have enough money to take away to keep things running while I'm away, I'll lose every thing.

My livelihood will go down the drain, and I'll wind up destitute.

Okay, that might be a little dramatic, but I've always been a little on the conservative side when it comes to cash.

Besides, if I lost my clients, I'm sure Omega for Hire would find something for me to do, but without all the status symbols I've become known, I might cease to be the omega everyone wants to date.

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