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Jungkook pov

I was kind of numb the entire trip.

I don't remember much of the airport or the plane ride. At some point Jimin had us in a taxi and we rode the thirty minutes from there to the hospital.

I'm not really sure how long we've been sitting there in the back seat of the cab, but I slowly become aware of the fact that we're outside the hospital right now.

"Kookie?" Jimin gingerly nudges me.

"Are you ready?"

"No," I tell him.

"I'm not. I can't...I can't go in there. I can't admit to myself that she's dying"

" That she's been dying and the whole while I've been living in the city, thinking only of myself."

"My sister has been here taking care of our mom and now the only time I show up is at the end."

"it's all fucking over. I go in there,I say goodbye to her and I admit to myself that I'm never going to see her again."

"That I'm out of time to make up for my shitty behavior as a son. I just...I feel like...shit..."

I rub at my eyes as they begin to tear up.

I don't want to cry, not in front of him.

He's been good about this whole impromptu trip.

He's covered the cost of everything, even though he didn't have to. He's made sure I've gotten where I need to go and he even agreed to my demands for a separate hotel.

He's been attentive and supportive ever since I told him about my situation.

I can't help but feel like maybe I gave him a little bit of a raw deal when I got pissed about what happened the day the suppressants all went missing.

I know what an omega's heat does to an alpha. He was just as out of his head as I was.

It's not his fault that we wound up having risky sex that day and I feel like he's gone out of his way to try and make up for it since then.

I'm also fairly sure he's not actually responsible for the missing suppressants.

I wasn't the only one affected either, so it might have been something else entirely.

But once I peel back the layers and realize I'm not actually angry at him, I start to feel things that I really don't have time to sort through right now.

It's all a confusing jumble and I think a lot of it has to do with my omega biology reacting to the first alpha I ever knotted during a heat.

But sorting through what's a real feeling and what's just physical is too complicated for me right now.

"just go get your massage," I tell him as I shove open the door to the cab.

"I'll be fine."

"You've got the details for the hotel?" he asks me before I climb out.

"Yes, dad, I've got them," I reply with a sneer.

"I'll call you when I'm ready to head back to the city."

"Jungkookie...if you need anything at all—"

"I'll use my credit card," I tell him as I hop out of the car.

Nothing like a little conflict to help me avoid complex emotions that I'm not ready to deal with.

Jimin doesn't say anything, but when I lean back into the cab to get my bag I notice a sad look in his eyes.

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