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Jimin pov

It's been nearly a week and he hasn't spoken to me since that day. I know he thinks I'm the one responsible for the missing suppressants, but I swear it wasn't me.

I don't need to contrive some stupid plot in order to get an omega to come to bed with me.

I could've seduced him whenever I wanted. Which, apparently, isn't a very good defense.

Especially not when you're knotted to an omega that's extremely pissed off at you.

I know he's worried that he's pregnant, but that's always a risk when having sex during heat.

Condoms notoriously fail to prevent pregnancy with an omega in heat.

Suppressants have already failed at that point. There's no magic pill to stop something like that either.

It's been more than a little difficult to process my own feelings about the situation, especially when he's refusing to talk to me.

Having sex with Jungkook was like the fulfillment of so many of my dreams. It felt perfect in a way that none of my past conquests ever have.

I loved every second of it and the only thing that I would do over is the ending.

I would've preferred if we could've finished that evening out wrapped in one another's arms. Maybe then we could've gone and taken a shower once knot softened enough.

Instead, I had Jungkook impatiently trying to get free every few seconds and eventually pulling away when it was still a little too soon.

I know it must've hurt him a little, because it definitely left me feeling sore and uncomfortable for a few days.

The whole ordeal left a bad taste in mouth and has made it difficult for me to focus on my work.

My grandfather has been ramping up my education like crazy and there's so much to learn. I worry that I'm never going to be able to master it all.

Oddly enough, the day after the "incident" my grandfather had the company donate several million dollars worth of suppressants to the omegas living in the city.

None of our subsidiaries manufacture suppressants. We have no stocks in suppressants.

There is absolutely no tie between us and suppressant industry.

When I asked him where they came from he said that he arranged some thing with a friend, then he launched into an hour long lecture about how important it is to cultivate friendships among a wide variety of people.

He's also been asking me about my relationship with Jungkook a little more frequently than usual.

My Grandom even called me up and asked me out of the blue if Jungkook and I were thinking about kids.

I'm growing more suspicious every day that my grandfather had some thing to do with the incident, but I can't for the life of me figure out what he would gain by forcing us into a situation like that.

I have nothing but wild accusations and coincidence, nothing that could be called evidence. Even if I could, I wouldn't be able to use it.

The last thing I want to do right now is piss him off, especially when I'm so close to reaching my inheritance.

Just a few more months and this nightmare will be over.

I wince a little at the word nightmare.

It hasn't really all been that bad, I think. Some of it has actually been really enjoyable and I'm not just talking about the sex.

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