17 (M)

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Jungkook pov

"Baby," Jimin looks up at me with an expression I've never seen him wear before.

In the relatively short time that we've known one another, he's changed so much.

The way he's cared for me over the last several days, the way he's looking at me now, I no longer doubt him when he says that he loves me.

"Jungkookie, my love," Jimin repeats as he gently cups my face in his hands.

"I want nothing more than to stay by your side for the rest of my life. I can't imagine anyone else I'd rather be with."

"Then I'm yours," I say as I lean down and meet his lips in a gentle, sweet, but deeply emotional kiss.

"I'm giving myself to you completely, Jiminie. I really am your omega now."

"I want nothing else..." Jimin rises from the floor and places one knee on the bed beside me.

He peers down into my face and kisses me as he gently lowers me back onto the bed.

Our kisses deepen as understanding settles over us.

We've sworn ourselves to one another.

There's no reason to hold back anymore.

The last time we had sex, we were still denying the connection between us.

It may have ended my heat, but it left a lot to be desired.

This time, I'm determined to take things further and leaves us both feeling far more satisfied.

My arms curl around Jimin and I push against him gently, urging him to drop onto the bed beside me.

As soon as he's laying down, I slide myself over the top of him. Our lips meet in a desperate, breathless kiss.

My hands stray down his chest, unfastening the buttons of his shirt and shoving the fabric aside as quickly as possible.

I let my fingertips trail across his skin and I grin with pleasure when he shivers beneath my touches.

I can feel his cock growing hard and slowly prodding against my ass as he grinds his hips up against me.

There may not be any penetration, but it's still deeply satisfying.

I moan softly against his lips.

My own cock is beginning to respond, growing stiffer and straining against the confines of my jeans.

I want him inside me.

But I don't want to rush this.

I want to take the time to get to know him from head to toe.

Every single part of him belongs to me now and I don't want to miss a thing.

Slowly, our kissing, grinding and groping finds us both standing beside the bed.

We help each other out of each article of clothing, taking time to caress each new facet that's exposed.

I savor the taste of his skin, and the way he inhales sharply every time my lips reach a spot he enjoys.

His touches and kisses are equally as attentive. The way his fingers trace across my chest and gently stroke the sensitive skin along my thighs.

I feel my arousal increasing by the second. My slick is starting to moisten the hole and my muscles are beginning to relax.

Jimin pulls me into his arms once we're both completely exposed and slides his hands down my body.

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