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Jimin pov

Two months after bringing Our son home, Jungkook and I agreed that we needed to buy a new house in a better location.

He definitely wanted something closer to both his sister and my Grand parents.

Lisa has taken over the rent on Jungkook's old apartment, and is actually strategically closer to my Grandparents than we are.

With how much time I've been spending at the office lately, helping my grandfather manage the business and taking on more and more responsibilities.

I know it's important for him to be near someone who can help him with the baby.

My Grandom finds it difficult to drive halfway across the city every day to help out Jungkook around the house.

So after a lot of discussion we sold my apartment and bought a house a few doors down from my Grandparents.

My commute has increased a bit, but Jungkook has been a lot happier.

Grandom walks over every day and helps him out by watching the baby or doing laundry.

Just generally keeping the house in order and getting things straightened up.

The improvement in his mood has been significant enough that I find myself wishing we'd made the move a lot sooner.

In the meantime, Jungkook's sister Lisa has taken on a job within the company.

I made it clear to her that she would not be getting special treatment just because she's family and she seemed fine with that.

She's spent so long taking care of her mother and not really doing anything else, that she didn't have a lot of work experience to speak of.

She started in the mail room at the very bottom of the ladder but, even though it's only been two months.

she already being considered for a management position within that department.

Her work ethic has apparently impressed a lot of people and I'm certain that she'll be able to climb as high as she wants within the company.

Grandfather and I are closer now than we were before.

Despite the mutual betrayal and lying that we both engaged in, I think we've found a place where we can approach one another with understanding and respect.

Jungkook was furious for several months after finding out about what grandfather did by gathering up all the suppressants in the city.

It took him a while before he was able to have a civil conversation with him.

I don't really blame him for that and I didn't get involved with trying to repair their relationship.

They're still not really on the best of terms.

But at least Jungkook has rescinded his initial decision to keep grandfather away from Nari at all costs. Though this was mostly for Grandom's sake.

For my part, I'm content. It still feels a little strange from time to time when I stop to really think about it though.

Less than a year ago I was still trying to pick up my next conquest and plotting my plan to fool my grand father by hiring a fake boyfriend.

Now, I'm a family man. I've got my beloved omega that I can't imagine my life without, my precious son, and even a sister-in-law that I'm actually rather fond of.

There are times when I almost don't recognize myself.

But that's not a bad thing. I needed to change. I never would've admitted it to anyone, but I was miserable before.

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