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Jungkook pov

I wasn't expecting him to give in so easily. The way he looked at me just now makes me shiver a little, and I don't understand why.

There's something going on in his mind that I can't quite put a finger on.

Then there's the huge physical attraction I feel toward him that's egging me on.

It's pushing me to do things I normally would never consider.

Like walk up to him and kiss him full on the lips. I want to do it so badly that I'm starting to feel a little flushed.

But I won't.

We've got a contract and a job to do.

When it's done, we're going our separate ways.

No need to make things more complicated than they need to be.

I need to make sure Jimin is with me on this.

The shifty way he keeps glancing at me makes me think he's already planning to find a way to sneak around on me.

I rise from the sofa and move to stand beside him. The view from here is gorgeous.

It's no wonder he's barely stopped looking out the window the entire time I've been here.

"We're on the same page, right?" I ask him, placing a hand on the window and peering up at him quizzically.

"We're not going to have problems, are we?"

"Only if you keep making a big deal about it," Jimin says, giving me a slight glare.

"You don't have to babysit me. I hired you, remember?"

"But if you sabotage this, then I don't get the rest of my check," I remind him.

At first, Jimin looks like he's going to argue with me, but his expression quickly softens as his gaze drifts back toward the window.

"I wonder..." he says after a moment.

"Are you ticklish?"

"Wha—?" Before I can finish that thought, he pulls me into his arms, and his fingers dart across my torso in a clawlike motion.

"N-no, stop!" I shout as he hits the ticklish spot on my ribs.

My protests drown in a sea of laughter as I attempt to free myself from his grasp.

After a moment of struggle, I manage to get away from him. He darts after me with a short laugh.

We race through the apartment with Jimin hot on my heels. If it wasn't for the obstacles, and the fact that neither of us wanted to knock anything over, he would've been able to catch me without even breaking a sweat.

"Jimin, stop. We don't have time for this."

I laugh as I find myself in a corner against the windows with nowhere to run.

"Nonsense." Jimin approaches me with a grin on his face.

"We have plenty of time." He stops just a few inches away and presses one hand against the window pane.

I shrink back into the corner and force myself to laugh.

"Looks like you caught me," I say as I try to ignore the fluttering feeling in my stomach. "Now what?"

The look in his eyes is intoxicating and full of need. He wants me badly, and I can feel it in the pit of my stomach. I want him just as much.

I'm tempted to give in and let him have me. This very scene has been the subject of many of my nighttime fantasies for a long while now.

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