11 ( M )

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Jungkook pov

I can't believe I'm actually considering this, but at the same time part of me is relieved.

I don't want to suffer through a week of agony where my cock continuously aches no matter what I do.

If he is offering me a chance to end this pain now then I feel like I should take it.

Right now it doesn't matter if he's the cause of all this or not. He's got the one thing that can end this pain and make me feel whole again.

As soon as I hear him confirm that our original contract still stands, I let down my guard.

It's been all I could do to keep from pouncing on him this entire time.

I desperately need his knot to satisfy this longing inside of me.

I begin tearing off my shirt as I cross the room. He meets me in the middle and slides his hands around me.

My lips meet his in a collision of heat.

The haze of lust around me is making it difficult to think of anything outside of the immediate moment.

I'm lost in the taste of his mouth, the texture of his skin, the pressure of his cock against my abdomen.

I grind my hips forward, driving my dick against his thigh.

The pressure feels amazing and I shudder with pleasure.

I vaguely aware of Jimin lifting me off the ground, but I never cease kissing him. He settles me onto the sofa and begins peeling off his clothing.

With every new piece of skin revealed, my lips drop lower.

I kiss, suckle, and lick my way down his body until I'm face to face with the part of him that I've been craving.

His massive alpha cock.

Smiling, I glance up at him before I slide my lips around his quivering dick.

This might not do much for me, but it definitely does something for him.

Getting him hard, driving him to the edge, leaving his cock nice and wet will make everything that comes next so much more satisfying.

Taking a deep breath, I press my lips as far down his shaft as I can reach.

He's large even for an alpha and it's difficult to take all of him.

I pull back my head, gasping for breath, but satisfied with my progress.

Jimin's face is a wash with pleasure, he's clearly enjoying himself, but I can tell from the look in his eyes that needs more.

"Come on, let's get you naked," he tells me as he drags me up from the floor.

I'm all too eager to comply.

I shimmy out of my jeans and underwear.

They're both soaked through.

Slick is practically pouring down my thighs by this point.

I didn't think I was capable of creating this much, but I'm grateful.

It means my ass is nice and ready to take the entirety of Jimin's cock.

I turn around and bend over the sofa.

"Wait..." jimin tells me gently tugging me back.

"Not like that. It'll be uncomfortable later..."

I pause in confusion. My sex addled brain struggling to catch up. Then I realize he's talking about the knot.

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