Gravity of you

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters and art used in the story. AU and OOC

The dark, starless sky stretched over the Ghost City and Dafan Wen village, enhancing the warm glow of will-o-the-wisps when Wen Qing left the cottage, rubbing her neck. Her face betrayed tiredness and worry. Shen Ying glanced at her as if checking if she was safe. Hua Cheng looked disinterested, while Xie Lian rushed to the doctor and asked about her patient. Wangji found these interactions interesting.

"I did all I could, but his chances are low. Immense blood loss, multiple wounds, including a deep gash in his chest and unknown poison."

"Can I help?"

Hua Cheng stepped in and pulled His Highness closer. "Don't get involved with them, Gege."

"What can happen to me here with you and Crimson Mist around?"

Luo Binghe was leaning on the doorway and listening to them. He was worried about Shizun, but the doctor wouldn't tell him much about his condition. It worried him.

"Thank you, Your Highness, but I don't think there is much we can do. I'm afraid he won't make it till morning."

"If Shizun dies, I will destroy this village!" Luo Binghe shouted desperately.

Instantly, Shen Ying disappeared from the bench and materialised in front of Demon Lord, grabbed his throat, lifted him up then slammed him hard to the ground. "I dare you to say it again," hissed. Crimson red eyes meant dead sentence while immense energy flooded the area.

Wangji felt like something was crushing him to the ground, taking his breath away. Confused, he staggered to his feet, but his knees buckled underneath him. Suddenly, a calming warmth surrounded him. Xie Lian supported him and asked if he could breathe. Lan Zhan shook his head, then whispered weakly, "What is it?"

"That's the display of his power. The villagers are immune to it since he is subconsciously protecting them, but the city will crumble."

Lan Zhan couldn't believe this crushing tsunami wave was simply Wei Ying's energy. It felt like a deity squashing an insect. It made him realise the sheer amount of restraint Wei Ying had when he was sparing with Hua Cheng or fighting with Luo Binghe. But then a sad realisation sunk. He wasn't important to Wei Ying anymore. If Xie Lian didn't protect him, Shen Ying's aura would suffocate him. It made him wonder if Wei Ying would even notice. 'Probably not,' Wangji thought, hiding disappointment. It made him question his decision to pursue Wei Ying.

"A-Ying!" Wen Qing shouted, grabbing his arm. "Don't kill him!"

"Why not?" a cold voice replied to her while his fingers tightened their grip.

"He is just worried about his soulmate and doesn't think straight. Please let him go."

Wangji looked at Hua Cheng, who simply stood there, unwilling to interfere. He realised that as long as Xie Lian was safe, Crimson Rain won't get involved. "Can you stop him?"

Xie Lian shook his head and then looked at his husband. "Only he can."

"A-Ying, please!" Wen Qing asked again. "We are safe."

"Fine," he finally said, summoned the twins, and set up an imprisonment array.

Gasping, Luo Binghe was trapped within a red barrier with Suibian and Chenqing as guards. The playful and teasing mood was long gone. Their grave faces expressed their Master's wishes to protect Dafan Wen.

"Now you understand why we call them Calamities?" Xie Lian asked Wangji once an oppressive aura was gone.

Lan Zhan nodded, trying to contain his jealousy when Yisheng leaned on Shen Ying's arm while he gently patted her head. Meanwhile, Siwang stood close to Wen Qing, glaring at Luo Binghe.

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