Beautiful mess

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters and art used in the story. AU and OOC

A/N: There will be no explicit content in this story, but it indicates top Wei Ying (sorry, I'm 100% behind Wei Ying's supremacy). I hope you will enjoy it.

A/N: Sorry, I didn't notice the first paragraph didn't copy to Wattpad. I updated it now.

A delicate breeze swept through the wide window into the spacious bedroom. At its centre stood a low, massive bed with two large square pillows and a red blanket covering a lower body of a sleeping man. His messy black hair was in disarray, spread over a white pillow, while a warm morning sun played on his scarred back. Long, slender fingers retraced discipline whip marks while crimson red eyes flashed dangerously. He wanted to make Old Goat suffer... raze the whole mountain to the ground for hurting him. It was just one night, but part of him wished for them to stay like this. Free yet together. Annoyed by his thoughts, Shen Ying disappeared.

Golden eyes slowly opened, and Wangji sat on the bed with a painful groan. He frowned at his unknown surroundings. How did he end here, and where were his robes? His head was pounding, but he pushed past it. Last night they came to Wei Ying's house on the lake and drank a lot. But that didn't explain why he was naked in someone's bedroom. Then it drew on him, crimson red banket, rug and finishing. It was Wei Ying's bedroom. 

Suddenly, memories of last night flooded him

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Suddenly, memories of last night flooded him. The sensation of soft yet cold lips on his skin... long slender fingers exploring every sensitive part of his body... the feeling of Wei Ying inside him. His ears turned red, but a small satisfied smile lit up his face. Sex was much better than he remembered. Was it because it was Shen Ying or his very skilful hands? It made him wonder if Wei Ying and Shang Yu were equally good in bed. "Take your mind out of the gutter, Wangji," he scolded himself, then wrapped the blanket around his waist and went to look for his robes or Wei Ying. Preferably both.

As soon as he left the bedroom, a young woman in black hanfu approached him and lowered her head in greeting. "Good afternoon, Master Lan. Xu Yi, at your service. Your bath is ready if you would like to follow me," she explained, then led him down the hallway.

Wangji was speechless at how unfazed she was by a naked man wearing only a blanket. It made him wonder if she was used to it. Then he noticed she was floating a few inches above the floor, making her movements smooth and graceful. Her natural beauty was unquestionable, but he wasn't jealous of her. From what he learned, Wei Ying had no interest in women.

"I took the liberty to wash and dry your robes, Master Lan. You will find them on be bench behind the screen. Master Wei instructed me to not touch your headband. I apologise for leaving it on the floor in the living room. Would you like to retrieve it?"

"Yes, please," he replied, remembering Shen Ying teasing about self-restraint. Then plenty of drunk Wangji pulled his headband off and tossed it on the floor just before their lips crashed together in an intense kiss. Lan Zhan smiled. A few years ago, he would be embarrassed about it and pretend he didn't remember anything. Now he found it amusing and exciting.

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