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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters and art used in the story. AU and OOC

The day Gusu Lan Sect learned about the existence of Ghost Kings was marked as the most brutal chapter in their history. The Grandmaster Lan Qiren and the elders responsible for the plot against Wangji died the most gruesome death one couldn't possibly imagine. When Shen Ying was done with them, not even a single bone remained. Their spirits were held captive by crimson red chains and dragged to the Ghost Realm for eternal punishment. The hall and surrounding buildings were consumed by demonic energy, leaving a massive crater in its wake. Half of Cloud Recesses was destroyed in mere minutes, leaving the clan members shattered. The scariest part was that Shen Ying did all of it without moving an inch or letting go of the unconscious man in his arms. Cold crimson red eyes swept the area when Suibian and Chenqing materialised before him, followed by the twins.


"Find and kill everyone involved. I don't care if they actively participated or just had knowledge. Make them pay."

"Yes, Master."

Yisheng stayed behind to heal Wangji's wounds and remove the effects of the drug. Lan Zhan laid on the soft futon on his stomach to not apply pressure on his wounded back. Shen Ying's eyes wouldn't leave tensed with pain face even for a second. The girl clapped her hands, then extended an array across his body. It scanned for all injuries and threats to her patient. During her examination, she discovered a poison that affected the mind and made the victim easy to manipulate. Her fists trembled with anger. Despite her gentle and peaceful nature, she wished to join her sister in vengeance against Lan Sect.

"Gege, I believe it's safer to put him into a coma until the poison is fully eliminated."

Despite his murderous mood, Shen Ying smiled at her and gently patted her head. "Do your best."

When Lan Xichen and Lan Sizhui returned to Gusu with a small group of disciples, they were greeted by utter destruction. Their sect was reduced by half. The survivors spoke about hell unleashed upon them as if their worst nightmare descended upon the mountain. A calamity that befell them as punishment for crimes against Lan Wangji.

At first, he could feel a familiar breeze, carrying the gentle aroma of cherry blossoms. It calmed his confused mind, bringing him out of his long slumber. His golden eyes slowly opened, welcoming the light ceiling of Wei Ying's bedroom. Lan Zhan smiled gently, relieved it wasn't a dream. Wei Ying came for him. Then a soft voice caught his attention.

"How are you feeling, Wangji-Ge?"

"Yisheng?" asked surprised, trying to sit up. The girl rushed to help him, supporting his back with comfortable pillows.

"You've been in a coma for several weeks because of their poison. They dared to hurt you... Gege was furious. I never saw him so angry."

Wangji looked at her with confusion. His memories were hazy from the moment he entered Yanshi.

"Don't worry, Gege made them pay."

"What happened?"

Yisheng smiled proudly. "He wiped out half of the sect."

"He did what?" Lan Zhan asked, shocked.

"Once Gege saved you, he destroyed punishment hall with surrounding buildings and killed everyone involved. Spirits of elders responsible for everything are locked in the Ghost Realm to face eternal punishment. But you know what is the most exciting?" she asked with shining eyes, then continued without waiting for his reaction. "Gege wouldn't leave your side. Don't tell him I said it, but he was bored without you."

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