Chapter 9: Something to Envy

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"Explain," Cale said with a furrowed brows. His narrowed eyes glared at the early morning intruders.

Well doesn't this sound like Deja Vu? You sigh as you said nothing. The sun has just risen. The morning air was still cold and the birds have just begun their morning song. It was in this early day Choi Han chose to wake up both you and Cale. Why?

"Is it alright if I go with (Y/N) to buy shoes? I'll leave for my mission right after." Choi Han said. He was carrying you bridal style. You were messily dressed with a bedhead. The noble scanned the two of you until he landed on your feet. Your bare feet are just exposed for the world to see.

"What happened to your boots?" Cale asked, his eyes never leaving your feet. You curl them in embarrassment as you repeat the excuse you gave to Choi Han.

"I stepped on a nail while in a tavern. It completely ruined my soles so..." You tried to curl up to hide your exposed feet but the way Choi Han was holding you made it difficult. The cold air... It was not comfortable. Cale sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.


Choi Han smiles.

"But I'll go with you." Choi Han frowns. Cale lifts a brow questioningly. "Does that bother you? How else are you going to pay?" Choi Han blinks and shakes his head.

"No. I just... I wanted to spend a little time with (Y/N)..." for a moment, Choi Han looked like a sad puppy. You could even see his fluffy dog ears droop down.

"You'll be spending time with him regardless. I don't see why my presence would make it any different." Cale said.

"It'll be fine Choi Han. Really it's just shoes." You say as you try to give Choi Han a pat on the head. Choi Han hums and holds you tightly. "Ok," the swordsman says.

Cale runs a hand through his head and blinks the sleepiness away. It was still too early. He doubts any shoe shop would be available at this time. "Wait for me to get dressed." The noble says as he closes his door. Oh, Cale is definitely going to take his time getting dressed. The noble couldn't help but yawn as he lay back on his bed and took a short nap.

Due to Choi Han's eagerness, even the shoe seller was caught off guard. The shoe seller was blinking away the sleepiness in his eyes as his eyes drifted towards your bare feet. How strange...

"What type of shoes are you looking for?" The seller asked.

"UuHnm–" you squeak as your voice cracks. You cough for a moment and beat on your chest. "Do you have any heeled boots?"

The salesman scanned you again for a moment. The man was second-guessing your gender for a moment. Heels? Didn't men usually wear heels? His eyes landed on your neck, he could see a ghost of an adam's apple. Oh...

"Ah. I'm sorry" the salesman said as he quickly turned away and went off to look for a suitable pair of boots for you. He picked a few and showed the designs to you. You frowned a bit when you looked at the options. The first one was a light brown leather pair that was knee-high. But the heel was not high enough for you at 0.8 cm. The second one had the heel length you were looking for, 2 cm. They were a dark leather pair but at ankle length. The third...


It had the parameters you wanted.... But man was it ugly. Unlike pair one, there was no lacing. It had such a lack in design. You wanted to do something about it.

"Uhh... May I try this pair?" You ask for the third pair and the seller hands it to you. Slipping on the boring boots, you wiggle your foot. You tilt your head and do the same with your foot.

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