"Vampire things, remember?"

15 1 0

Song: Do I wanna know? By arctic monkeys

dedicated to Arden realizing that being friends is a short facade for what she actually wants


The next morning I woke up at six in the morning, lending me an hour and thirty minutes until my first class started. This definitely gave me enough time to stop at my house but there was no point in wasting gas. Gee was already awake and ready, quickly digging into his closet as I opened my eyes. "Morning," I yawned, sitting up.

My eyes adjusted to the bright light shining in through the window, and I quickly thought about what clothes I could wear. Seemed like Gerard was two steps ahead though as he threw a skirt and a big t-shirt my way. "Morning. That's the best I could do searching through both mine and my mom's wardrobe so you'll have to manage."

I looked at the two pieces of clothing and shrugged. "I'll change down here, I'm sure it'll look fine."

Gerard shrugged, "you don't ever really look bad in anything so I won't be surprised if you pull it off." He smiled and walked around the couch. "I'll be upstairs, just bug Mikey if you need the bathroom."

I couldn't collect myself from the mess of red my face was in time to reply so when I finally snapped back enough to realize his words, I mentally slapped myself, and began stripping and dressing. Gerard's full-body mirror came in handy as I used it to tell where I should tuck it in to make me look a little bit better. When I was happy with it, I gave myself a smile of confidence and darted up the creaky basement stairs.

The cool air conditioning was a drastic change from the normally muggy feeling the basement takes on and it made me feel less baked as I walked around the counter and grabbed myself a glass of water. Gerard came from around the corner, a leather jacket now tugged over his torso. "Mikey still in the bathroom?" I asked.

He raised his brows and sighed, "his usual routine lasts about another ten minutes. Right up to the time we leave."

Gerard let me slip past as I pounded on the door. "Mikey James Way, hurry your ass up before I kick down this door!"

There was an annoyed sigh on the other side and I jingled the lock until he was fed up and swung it open. Mikey had toothpaste on the left side of his mouth and his hair was partially spiked, the other half straight and damp. I held back a laugh as he frowned. "What!"

Seeing an opportunity, I pushed into the bathroom and took over the other side of the counter, starting on my hair. "Don't let me distract you, Junior, we've got fifteen minutes before takeoff." With a smug smile, I waited for the curler to heat up, and did whatever I could to make myself look semi-presentable.

It was when Gee crowded into the small area, probably bored of being alone, that Mikey grew uncomfortable. "Why don't we just invite Ray and Frank over too then? Party in the bathroom!" He threw his arms up and Gerard looked between us. "Oh forget it, I still need to finish this!"

I watched as the youngest Way poked at his hair and ran a comb through it aggressively. Whoever pissed in his cheerios this morning was in for a rude awakening later in the day, I could guess that much. With the extra room given seeing that Mikes was pushing himself against the wall in hopes to make as much room between us as possible, I finished off my hair and messed around with my face.

Gerard opened a drawer to reveal mascara, something I normally used in my everyday routine to make exiting my house a little less excruciating. When I looked back in question, he started to explain. "We kept your extra here in case you ever decided to run back to us."

I bit my lip in thought and grabbed it, offering a smile. "Smart... and even smarter to expect me to come crawling back." As I applied it, I noticed Gerard's gaze on me. He watched carefully as if eating up every detail. Sometimes his eyebrows would furrow like he was thinking deeply and other times his eyes would squint in admiration. What was so interesting about a girl grooming her lashes? That is something I could never tell you. I didn't even know myself.

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