"I know, but you need me here."

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Song: Do me a favour by Arctic Monkeys

dedicated to Gerards and Ardens short commentary on each other.


I had left my phone in solitude tucked away in my bedside table. I needed a moment to forget all that happened and give myself some time to take away from all the hectic things. I hadn't even thought about any of it until I looked at the disc left on top of my DVD player.

The memories of the kiss and shared words in his kitchen punched me and I soon found myself mourning the time spent with my friends. I don't think I've been home for this long in a while. I had left them for the second time. I was an awful person.

I felt it would cause heartache to look at all the missed messages and phone calls so I steered clear of my phone and ditched the sweat pants, tugging on jeans and a shirt that came up just above my belly button. I grabbed a jacket and gathered myself enough to walk to the strip. I knew Frankie worked weekends at this random restaurant he picked up hours for so that was the place I was aiming to end up.

My arm grazed the curtain which was covering the already open window. My house was silent as everyone was asleep. So silent that you could quite literally hear a pin drop. It was after dark and the street light lit up the foggy roads, the clock just striking nine-o-clock at night. No this isn't safe, but I lived just two blocks away from the strip. "Besides," I said as I hoisted a leg up. "I'm in the close security of my neighbors."

I looked down at the drop, long and wind-breaking. My arm aimlessly reached for the branch as I wrapped slender fingers around it, hoisting myself just a pinch out of the window. How the hell did Gerard manage even as a vampire?

Once on the ground, dropping down from the six-foot drop of the tree and landing on my ass, I quickly ducked around the security camera hidden by my front porch and took off in a speedy sprint. I was eighteen now so curfew didn't apply to me, but that didn't help the nauseating feeling of being caught by police and getting questioned. Geez, my parents are gonna kill me.

The sky was a penetrating bluish-black with the moon sitting at the pinnacle of the world. It shined down on me, and the stars cast a safe gleam ahead. This made it a lot easier to navigate despite knowing my way by heart. Every lamp on the side of the road glowed in a warm yellow aura except for the one nearing the end, its gleeful state flickering with a warning. It wasn't always too late to turn around.

That was the statement flashing in my head as the hairs on my arms stood up and goosebumps rose on the flesh. They covered me completely, the feeling of being watched. But this wasn't Gerard, no. This was someone new.

My head whipped around to see someone standing just a few poles away. What I could catch was the golden blonde color of honey sprouting from their head, a tall build but lanky all at the same time, dressed in all black clothes. Jeans from what I could see and an oversized hoodie. This was odd seeing that it was a pretty hot June night and no one should be wearing such warm clothes in these temperatures but that didn't have time to click for me as I turned around and picked up my pace.

Nothing seemed worth it at this point but now my path was blocked and there seriously wasn't any turning back at this point. The quick shuffle of feet scored me to take off until the soft buzz of a familiar presence entered my head. It's just me.

I whipped around and collided with Gerard, my arms wrapping around him. From over his shoulder, I could see that the guy was now perched up just twenty feet away on a lamp post, watching with his head slightly turned down. A bus neared in the distance, and he waited patiently before getting on it. "He was a vampire," I said while pointing at the bus pass.

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