"You wanna bet?"

9 1 0

Song: Friday, I'm in love by The Cure

dedicated to the sweet talk of true love inside the treehouse


"Uno!" Mikey yelled loudly, setting down a green four.

I giggled and turned back to Gee who was sketching out character designs. I had managed to convince him enough to pick back up where he left Umbrella Academy. He even let me help him with dialog and come characters. I pointed out the mask he was currently working on, all black with eye holes. "Y'know what would look cool?" I asked.

Gerard finished filling in number fives and looked up, a hint of admiration in his eyes. "What?"

They lingered on my face long enough for me to develop a soft tint of pink and I dipped my head with a smile, my finger hovering above the pencil marks so they wouldn't smudge. "I think you should have the eye holes be white. Like a black border, and a ghost white, super bright." I shrugged and held my head in my hands. "It makes them seem even more supernatural."

He took white out and dobbed it over. "You know, you're a good comic partner. Always have been." Gerard smiled at me, his small teeth poking out just under his top lip. I studied the curve of the two canines. They were sharp and dangerously attractive.

"How so?" I asked, my gaze looking between his lips and eyes.

"You have fantastic ideas," he whispered, leaning in close.

"Fuck you!" Frank yelled, cards flying behind them. One landed on the paper, causing the white out to drag across Gerards hard work. He sighed and lifted it, flicking it on the other side of the room. "You cheated!"

Mikey scoffed and crossed his arms in victory. "I told you not to test my skills," he laughed. Ray clapped for him and sat back on his hands.

I backed up and used a napkin to get rid of the spill, the black pen shining through enough for him to trace over it. "No worries, Gee," I said sweetly, picking his pen up and handing it back to him. "It still looks awesome."

This was comforting enough for him to ease back into his art, body steady as he worked. Gerard drew like he talked, everything planned in advance. Every line he sketched was thought about quickly, always three steps ahead when it came to things like this. Things he loved to do. I was just happy I could be the one to have him dive back into it. After a few seconds he was completely absorbed, creating small details in the fabric.

I stepped forward to offer an idea. "Sweater material underneath?" He nodded and got right to it, a plaid design starting. "I was thinking something more like diamonds?"

"I like that more," he smiled.

I sat folding my clothes on my bed, the creak of my window startling me from my duties. Frank of all people fell in and looked around, hiding under my bed. Gerard was next to topple in, and then Ray. Both boys ran into my closet and I groaned, picking up my jewlry box. "Arden?" My father boomed, knocking on the door. "Are you alright?"

I thanked myself for my quick thinking as he opened the door and I held up the case that contained my accessories. "Sorry, I dropped this." He gazed around before nodding and shutting my door. I sighed and set the decoy down in its rightful place. "You idiots and come out now."

Frank crawled out and looked up at me, flashing a mischievous grin. "Down for some ruckus on the strip?"

"No," I said sternly, cleaning up my desk and running a clorox wipe over the makeup stains. "I've got a long night of sleep ahead of me and no way am I sneaking out."

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