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There was red smoke everywhere I was with my parents well who was my parents both of them are dead now I was hiding behind some rocks afraid I didn't know what was going to happen to me

"found you" I looked up to see a gun getting pointed at me a shocked feeling went throughout my body I got up as quickly as possible and started to run he missed me by an inch but I just kept running I didn't know where I was going I could hear him chase me but I was too afraid


I just arrived in piltover and there was a war going on today was the last day of it though it's also the day that I become the new ruler of this place I noticed the bridge there was red smoke all over it you could barely even see anything I was about to turn away before I head running I looked closer to the smoke and saw a little girl she was being chased by an enforcer she ran past me I noticed the enfoster  shoot his gun at her it hit her in the leg make her fall to the ground The thing that got me was she still kid I can't tell how old she is but she's still very young

I went over to her and got down on one of my knees "it's all right little one" I saw that she was scared half to death I heard more footsteps and the girl was shaking uncommon controllably "your highness what are you doing out here" I looked behind my shoulder to see the enforcer "I could ask you the same question why are you shooting at a kid" he stood up tall "ma'am she's from the undercity" I look back at the little girl she was holding her leg "so she's a kid she has no part in that" I got closer to her and hold her in my arms "but" I stood up holding the girl in my arms "no but she's a kid" The little one was passed out I don't think she noticed I picked her up "what are you gonna do with her then" I looked at her closely she was very pretty a diamond in the rough you can say "I'm adopting her" without another word I started to make my way to my new home with my new daughter in my arms


I Started to open up my eyes a little the last thing I remember happening was being shot in the leg I sat up and looked around I was in a huge room the bed was anonymous it was comfy to I got the covers off me and looked at my leg it's been bandage I was still in my same clothes I was in I kept looking around for something that will tell me where I am the room was dark it was still nighttime I was about to get up before I heard the door open

"you're finally awake" I scooted back a little as the mysterious woman came closer "it's all right I'm not gonna hurt you" she sat on the edge of the bed she had dark brown hair tied up in a bun her skin was milky brown and her eyes was a Hazel it reminded me of a sunset "my name is Mel what's yours" I stare at her as I whispered my name "(y/n)" I saw her tilt her head "i'm sorry I couldn't get that" I said it a little louder for her to hear me "(y/n)" I saw a smile on her face "it's nice to meet you (y/n)" I decided to scoot closer to her

"what am I doing here" she put her hand on my head "I couldn't leave you there you looked so frightened I couldn't just abandon you so I took you with me" I looked at her in disbelief "but I'm from" she close her eyes and shook her head "I don't care about that I have an offer for you" I gave her a simple nod not knowing what she wants "you see I'm not from here either but I am the new ruler of piltover and I would love if you would accompany me" I was confused I think she notices and simplified it for me "I want to know if you would like me to adopt you as my own" I was taken aback "are you sure about this" she put her hand on my shoulder pulling me closer to her "I am"

I was hesitant for a moment but agreed "I would love that" I gave her a clothes eye smile as I leaned into her "that's wonderful so from now on you will be known as (y/n) Medarda The princess of Piltover in other words my daughter" I let out a small yawn "it's late we should both get a bed" I felt her pick me up and put me back in bed and covered me up "good night my little one I'll see you tomorrow morning" I gave her one less smile as I fell asleep

I guess I have a new home now

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