Chuckles - Jay Halstead

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This case hit you closer to home. A man was taking girls who had similarities to a girl you went to school with a long time ago. That girl disappeared one day, and no one knew what had happened to her. It was one of the reasons why you became a police officer and were now a detective in the intelligence unit. Your boyfriend, Jay Halstead, was your partner at work and home. Sometimes it was challenging, but the two of you managed, and Voight didn't seem to have a problem with it.

"Alright, These are our four victims so far," Kim pointed at the pictures of the four girls. "They all went missing from the college campus, and no one had seen them since, until this week when two bodies showed up."

You looked at the file you had in your hands. Everything connected to your school friend was in there. It might not be a connection at all, but there just had to be something that connected your friend and these four girls.

"Y/N, what do you have?" Voight asked.

"Maybe something, maybe nothing." You walked over to the board and put the picture of your friend next to the other victims. "There are similarities between the story of this victim and the other girls. She, too, disappeared from a college campus a few miles away from the other girls. The girls have the same similarities in their looks as well. All four have brown hair, blue eyes and are all about the same height and body type. But this victim," you pointed at your friend. "Disappeared almost ten years ago this week." You wrote the exact date she went missing on the board. "That is in two days. It could be related to this case; it could be nothing. But I feel like there is a connection here, sarge."

"How did you find her if it happened a decade ago?" Adam asked.

"I went to college with her. On the night she disappeared, we went to a club. Afterwards, we walked home together, and when we got to campus, we had to separate because she lived on the other end. It turned out she never made it home." You feel a hand on your shoulder and immediately know it's Jay.

"Did they ever find her body?" Kevin asked.

You shook your head. "They searched but never found a body. They also never had a suspect. But how is that possible? There were cameras on campus, I've seen them multiple times, and they also were on route to her dorm."

"You and Halstead go check on that. See what similarities these cases have and if there is any footage from the night she disappeared. Ruzek, try to see if there are any more girls that went missing between now and a decade back. We need to know if Y/N's friend was the first girl or who was before her."

You and Jay got your hands on the footage from when your friend disappeared. You were holding Jay's hand as you were watching the footage. Your friend was clearly drunk. A guy approached her from behind and snatched her off-campus. You followed the cameras, and just as he left the campus, you saw the side of his face. Jay wen facial recognition, but there was no match.

"Have you seen him before?"

You slowly nodded your head. "He looks familiar. Maybe I want to see things, but I think I've seen him on the footage Kim showed."

Jay grabbed that footage and played it.

"Right there," you pointed at the screen. Victim number 4 was smoking a cigarette on the street, and the man who also kidnapped your friend was looking at victim four from a distance.

"Son of a bitch," you mumbled.

It appeared that your friend was the first victim. Every year in the week of her disappearing, he kidnapped girls. In the first few years it was only one, then two, three and four. But now they got an address. It was abandoned, which made it a good place to hide. Since you looked kind of similar to the girls, it would be your job to get inside the house and see if you could find some evidence.

"You have a GPS tracker in your shirt and also a little camera so we can see what is going on. Are you sure about this?" Jay asked and looked you right in the eye.

"I'm sure. Just don't come to get me before I use the distress word. It's moonshine."

The team nodded.

You gave Jay a quick kiss before getting out of the car.

You rang the bell of the house. The door swung open in no time.

"Hi, I'm so sorry to bother you, but I'm lost, and my phone is dead, so I was wondering if I could use your phone to call a friend to come to pick me up."

The man looked at you like he was undressing you with his eyes. It felt very uncomfortable.

"Sure, come on in."

You could've sworn he bit his lip. But you followed him in any way. If this was your guy, you had to get him.

Before you even reached a phone, you felt something hard hit the back of your head, and everything went black.

"Son of a bitch," Jay yelled and slammed his fist against the wall of the van.

"Calm down, alright. We still have eyes on them, so let's just see what happens," Kevin said, trying to calm Jay down. But he was far from calm. His girlfriend just got knocked out by a possible serial killer. He had seen what he did to these girls. There was no way he was about to let that happen to you.

"Sarge, what do we do?" Jay asked off the radio.

"Sit tight. Does the camera still work?"


"Then make sure we catch him in the act. We won't let anything bad happen," Voight said.

Jay shook his head. Something bad already did happen.

The offender got out of sight, and you started to move. You were slowly waking up, having the worst headache you ever had. You were tied to a bed. Blood was all over the walls. You felt the tears in your eyes. Why wasn't your team here yet? Your eye caught the man in the corner.

"This is always the fun part. They wake up and start screaming and crying, begging for me to let them go. Not that I ever let them go," he grinned at you.

This was definitely a code moonshine, but there was no way you could just throw that into a sentence. Nobody knew this, but you had a save word with Jay. If sometimes anything was extremely hurt or you needed him, all you needed to say was chuckles, and he would be there for you. You prayed to god that Jay was listening and that the team would follow his lead.

"You know you remind me of someone who chuckles the same way."

"Is that so?" The man moved closer to you. You heard a slight noise upstairs and were positive the team was coming for you. You now had to distract the man.

"Yes. Same height, body type. Your faces even look similar."

"Hmm..." The man licked his lips as he walked closer to you. The basement door got kicked in, and your team entered the room.

"Chicago P.D., don't move!"

They handcuffed the man and dragged him out. Jay rushed over to you and untied you. You wrapped his arms around him like it would be the last time.

"You got my message," you smiled through your tears.


"There was no way I could put moonshine into the conversation, and I prayed to god that you were listening and understood what I meant. I-."

Jay cut you off by pressing his lips against yours. "I got the message, and you're okay."

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