You could start a cult - Jay Halstead

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One thing you always knew, was there you were safe with Jay. Whatever you were doing, wherever you were, you were safe with him. If it was a work situation or at home, you were going to be okay with him. He would have your back and you would have his. Neither one of you saw this coming. Neither one of you was prepared for this. A high speed car change during the winter in Chicago changed everything for the two of you. That night, heavy snow fell. It froze so much that the snow was more ice then snow. You were in the car following in a suspect. Jay was driving. You grabbed ceiling roof handle tight as you sped down the streets of Chicago. You saw it happening to the suspect. The car were the suspect was in, slid across the road. There was a plaque of ice on the road, none of you saw.

"Jay, watch out!" you yelled, but it was already to late. Jay tried to break. You could hear the tires screeching, before you smid across the plaque of ice. Your car hit a car on side of the road and you started to tumble around. That was the last thing you remembered. The next thing you knew, you were looking into the eyes of your friend and fireman, Kelly Severide.

"She's awake!" he yelled. He stepped aside and you were blinded by the light from the sky.

"Jay," you croaked out.

"We're going to get him out too. Right now, Sylvie and Violet will get you to med, okay?"

"Is he okay?" you asked Kelly.

Kelly didn't respond right away, and with that, you knew how bad he was doing. Tears formed in your eyes. "If you can talk to him, just tell him that I'm alright, please."

"I will do. We'll come see you at the hospital," Kelly said before he walked away.

Sylvie and Violet put you into the ambulance.

"How bad is it?" you asked Sylvie.

"It's a miracle how relatively small your injuries are. You probably have a concussion and a broken leg. Some cuts here and there, but you seem to be doing okay."

"And Jay? Did you see him?"

Sylvie looked at you with a sad look. "He was unconscious. His side of the car was pretty damaged. Squad had to get you out first, because they couldn't open his door. He's in good hands, Y/N. They will do everything that they can."

You looked at the ceiling, trying to blink away the tears. The thought of losing Jay... You couldn't imagine your life without him.

When you arrived at Med, everything went by in a haze. Will came to check in you, but you barley said a word to him. Connor confirmed that you had a broken leg and a concussion. You could go home soon. There was still no word on Jay. After a few hours, you were released and you waited in the waiting room with your friends colleagues from Intelligence, your friends from 51 also came to check up on you and Jay. Time went by so slow. Waiting for an update was the worst. You had no idea how the love of your life was doing, and with every minute that passed, you felt your heart breaking more and more.

"How are you doing?" Trudy's question snapped you out of your thoughts.

Immediately tears formed in your eyes. You didn't look at her. You didn't want to break down. Not now. Not while he could still be okay. "I'm..." You weren't fine. You weren't doing okay. You had no idea how to respond to Trudy her question.

"We're all here for you," she said as she grabbed your hand.

After four hours of waiting, there was finally an update. Jay was in a coma. He had a lot of internal injuries. He had a brain bleed. They had to put him in an induced coma.

You were the first one to see Jay. His faced was so pale, it had bruises all over. Other then that it just looked like he was asleep.

"Do you have a guitar?" you asked Will.

"Yeah, let me grab it for you." He squeezed your shoulder before walking out of the room.

A little while later he came back with the guitar. "I'll leave you to it. I'm right in the hall, same as everyone else."

"Thanks, Will."

You grabbed the guitar. You started to play a few notes before you started singing a song you heard on the radio a while ago. When you heard it for the first time, it felt like the song was written for you. It described how you felt towards Jay, that you would do anything for him.

"Darlin', I will give up everything. Who I'll be and who I am. You can have it all. Baby, you could start a cult, you see. Anywhere you go, I'll be. You are so much more than beautiful to me. Oh, I'll follow you 'til there's no tomorrow. I'll follow you 'til there's no tomorrow. I'll follow you 'til there's no tomorrow. I'll follow you..."

After you finished the song, tears were streaming down your face. "Please be okay," you cried out as you grabbed Jay his hand. "I can't do this without you."

For weeks, you were in and out of the hospital. Your leg was now fully healed and technically you could go back to work. But you didn't you spent all your time with Jay in the hospital. Earlier today, Will send you home to take a shower and maybe sleep a little. He would call you if anything would change. You did exactly that. You only wanted to get a nap in for an hour or two, but that turned into a full 8 hour sleep, before you got woken up by your phone. You snagged your phone from the night stand when you saw it was Will.

"Will, what's going on? Everything okay?"

"Just get your ass in here, Y/N."

"Why? What's going on?"

"Just come to Med." With that, Will hung up the phone.

You quickly grabbed your keys and rushed back to the hospital.

You were running down the hospital hallways in your pyjama, hair in a mess and you were still wearing your unicorn slippers.

"Where is he? Is he okay?" You asked as you rushed into the ICU.

Will was waiting for you right by the entrance. "Calm down, he is okay. Just come see," he said as you rushed over to Jay his room. You stopped in shock when you saw what had happened while you were away. He was awake.

"Hi babe," he said with a smile.

"Oh my god," you mumbled. You looked at Will. "Is this real? Is he really awake?"

Will laughed as he nodded. "He is awake and doing good. The first scans were better then expected."

You dropped your bag on the floor as you rushed over to the bed, hugging Jay with tears in your eyes.

"You're really okay," you whispered.

"Yes, I'm okay. I'm right here. I'm so glad you're okay."

"Me too."

Jay scooted over so you could lay next to him. You snuggled up against him, something that you really missed these passed weeks.

"How long have you been awake?"

"Two or three hours I think? They did some tests and scans. Will wanted to make sure I was okay before calling you. He said you've been here pretty much 24/7?"

"Yeah, I couldn't leave you alone. I was... I was just so scared I would lose you. And needed to be here."

"But I'm okay."

"You are now, but for hours I didn't know. They got me out of the car first because they couldn't get to you. You were doing pretty bad."

"Will also said you would sing the same song over and over. Can you sing it now?"

"Sure." You grabbed the guitar and sat now on the chair next to the bed. You started to sing the same song, You could start a cult by Niall Horan.

"We heard that song on the radio, when we were on that stake out," Jay said.

You smiled. "Yeah, it just described perfectly how I felt towards you. I would do anything for you. I can't imagine my life without you."

"Me neither. Which is why I had Will bring this over." Jay grabbed a little box from the night stand. He opened it and there was a beautiful diamond ring in it.

You looked at Jay in shock.

"Will you marry me?" Jay asked.

"Yes!" You got back on the bed and kissed him. It felt like it was the first time all over again.

Jay Halstead imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now