Pregnancy pains - Jay Halstead

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"Sarge, please let me stay here. I will stay at my desk, but please. Don't let them put me answering 911 calls. I can't sit behind a desk all day answering phones."

"Y/N, you're pregnant. That's how it goes in a unit like this."

"Sarge, please. I am begging you. I can't leave this unit. You guys are all I have. If I can't be here, then I will go crazy. And you don't want a crazy pregnant lady on your hands."

Voight sighs. "Fine. But you stay up here. You don't go out in the field. And I will need your gun in the meantime."

"Done," you say and place your gun on his desk.

"Told anyone else yet?"

You shake your head. "The biological father is a pussy and fled. Right now I just want to keep this for myself. Well, between me and you."

"That's your choice. But you are started to show a little."

"I know right," you say with a smile and place your hand on your belly. It's still so weird to you that there is growing a human being in you.

Your first trimester was a living hell. Everything made you sick. You were throwing up all the time, you could barely hold down anything. Up to the point your partner from the unit, Jay Halstead, had to take you to the hospital several times because you were severely dehydrated. The second trimester on the other hand was amazing. You had basically no symptoms at all, your baby was growing good and you were feeling good and you were very happy that you could go back to work. You were now in your third trimester. You were still working. Everyone from the unit was so caring. They got you everything you needed. But Jay was the best of all. You and him always had a special bond. You were more than just partners, you were family. With the baby being so close, he moved in with you to help out if you needed anything. The baby's biological father bailed after you told him you were pregnant and you had no family in Chicago. So Jay has been helping you with basically everything the last few weeks.

"Okay, I got decaf ready. We'll stop at that bakery place on the corner for some breakfast, alright?" Jay said as you got out of your bedroom.

"Yeah, sounds good." You sounded exhausted, which you were. You barely slept, your back was hurting more then usual. But you couldn't sit at home, you wanted to go to the district. Besides, if anything were to happen, you'll probably be better off at the hospital then home alone.

Jay looked at you for a moment. "Are you good? Are you sure you want to go to work?"

"I'm okay. Didn't sleep great and my back is killing me."

Jay opened his mouth to say something, but you cut him off. "I'm fine. That's what I get for caring a human. I'm okay. Now let's go, I'm hungry."

Jay chuckled as he gave you your coffee and you made your way to the car. On your way to the district you the unit caught a case, but Jay insisted on going to the district with you and wait for the rest of the team there.

Walking into the district, Trudy greeted you with a smile. "Morning. How are you doing?"

"Could be better," you said, half out of breath for dragging yourself up the stairs, and you still had another set of stairs.

"Then why not go home? Get some rest?"

"No. I want to be here. So we're going to work. Just got a case," you said and started to make your way upstairs.

"Keep an eye on her, Halstead," Trudy said.

"You know I will."

Half way up the stairs, you had to stop to catch your breath.

Jay Halstead imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now