The Case Part 4- Jay Halstead

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Voight and Jay are now also sitting in the room next to doctor Green.

"I think I know what is going on. That man, he had a daughter. In the photos, she looked seven, but she was sick. No hair, tube in her nose; I'm guessing cancer. He probably lost her, so he decided to take another girl that would be her age and take her home, treat her like she is his own daughter."

"There would be records of a dead girl. Any idea when she passed?" Jay asks.

"I guess that it's in the week that he took me. That obviously means something to him."

"But why let you go and kill the others?"

"I was his first. Maybe the police got too close to him, or he had no idea how to go from where he was. He evolved to killing with the next girl. I don't know why, but I know that when he took me, he was grieving. I'm not trying to talk it right, but he was a grieving man, trying to replace his daughter."

"Alright, I'll have the team look into that. You take a moment and come when you're ready," Voight says as he stands up.

You look at Jay.

"I'm not going anywhere if you don't want me to."

"Yes, please stay," you sigh.

Doctor Green stands up as well; she hands you a card. "Call me after the case is over. Getting your memories back was step one, but now you have to deal with them. You can always call to talk about it."

"Thanks," you say as you take the card from her.

Voight unplugs the cameras, and he and the doctor leave. Jay sits down next to you, putting an arm on your shoulder. You cuddle up against him.

"How do you feel?"

"Fine. I thought it would be traumatic, but it feels like it's so far away from me. Like it's another lifetime since that happened. The guy was sweet, trying to replace what he lost. I know he is still a killer... I don't know."

Jay presses a kiss against the side of your head. The two of you just sit in silence until you stand up from the couch.

"Let's get that son of a bitch."

"You ready?"

"Yes. I want to know what the team has found so far and how we can help."

"Alright. Just let me know if you need anything, okay?"


You walk back to the bullpen. The board has been flipped over, and three pictures of little girls are on them.

"What do you have so far?" you ask the team.

"We have these three girls that died within the week of the first kidnapping, but a year early. But they don't have the name Senna," Kim says.

You get the files of all the girls who have gone missing. There has to be a connection. You look at their birth certificates and notice one thing they have in common: their birthday. "Are any girls that died in the year before the first kidnapping that were born on May 2nd 1995?"

Adam starts typing on the computer. "I have a Senna Marie Jones, that was born on May 2nd 1995 and died on May 5th 2001. She was six years old. Died of leukaemia." Adam turns the screen and shows a picture of a girl with a little bit of hair on her head, but you recognize her from the pictures in the house. "That's her. What is the LKA?"

"Just a few blocks from here. Says that one Shaun Jones still lives there."

"Alright, suit up and let's go!" Voight says.

"Chicago P.D., open up!" Adam yells. He kicks in the door, and the team storms in.

Voight ordered you to stay in the car, and you do. For the first time, you listen to him. Nobody knows how you are going to react if you would go inside.

"Clear," you hear somebody yell.

"Stay where you are, or I will shoot," you hear Hailey's voice.

"Y/N, you can come in," you hear Voight over the radio.

You take a deep breath and walk into the house. Immediately you recognize it. You slowly move through the house. Everything is as you remembered it. Jay is standing in the doorway of a room. You stop next to him. It's the room you were held in. It is still the same. The is blood on the bed and the floor.

"Is she...?"

"Alive, yes. Thanks to you," Jay says, and he places his hand on your lower back.

You sigh, looking around the room. "This is it. It's exactly the same."

"We got him, Y/N. He can't hurt anybody else."

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