Trauma - Jay Halstead

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Requested by: frostQueen_Dhriya

Warnings: drowning.

"Are you sure you're going to be fine alone? Will said that somebody needed to be with you." Jay looks at you worried as he helped you to the couch. Today was a rough day at work. You were chasing down an offender, when he surprised you and knocked you out from behind. You got a concussion, but other then that you were fine.

"Yes. You'll be a phone call away if I need something and it's only for an hour or so. I'll just stay on the couch until you're back." You sit down on the couch.

"You promise?"


"Do you need anything before I go?"

"No thanks."

Jay places a kiss on your head. "If you need anything, call me. I love you."

"I love you too."

All you wanted right now was a warm bath. Jay went to the station to finish up some last things before have a few days off to take of you. You promised to stay on the couch, but of course you were to stubborn to listen. With slow steps and support of the wall, you made your way to the bathroom. You put on the tap to fill up the bath. You but in a bath bomb, before you sat down on the side. Your head was spinning and your hands were shaking. The pain was still a lot, even with all the pain killers. The offender got you good. You knew you would be out of it for a while. This was the part of the job that was never easy. You never intended to get hurt, yet it happened. It was either you or Jay. It felt like one of you was hurt almost every few weeks.

Taking a deep breath, you pulled your shirt over your head. Your ears were ringing. It was your body telling you to rest. But you just wanted a bath so badly. You slowly took of your  jeans. When you tried to pull it of your feet, you suddenly got dizzy and before you knew it, everything around you was black.

Jay was relieved that he could finally go home. Seeing you get hurt was always hard. It was going to be a rough few days, but lucky he could be there for you. He said goodbye to the team, before rushing home. When he walked into the door. He noticed the water running from the bathroom.

"Babe?" There was no response from you. "Y/N?" he asked again as he made his way to the bathroom. Only now he noticed the water in your bedroom. His heart sank as he rushed to open the bathroom door, finding your limp body hanging over the bath tub.

"Oh my god!" he said out loud before grabbing your body and pulling you closer. "Come on, wake up," he said as he tapped your face. There was no response. He felt for a pulse in your neck. It wasn't there. He grabbed his phone out of this pocket.

"This is detective Jay Halstead, I need an ambo right now to my home address. Female, unconscious, seemed to be drowning, has a concussion," he said into his phone at the same time as turning of the tab. He drags you out of the bathroom and lays you down in the living room where the floor is dry. He starts CPR. Within a matter of minutes, first responders are there taking over the CPR and rushing you to the hospital.

When Jay gets out of the ambulance, his friend Kevin is waiting for him.

"I heard it over the scanner, bro. Will is in surgery. How is she doing?"

Jay looks at how the paramedics take you in the ED. Once you're being wheeled into a room and out of sight, he can look at his friend.

"I wasn't gone that long, Kev. I wasn't... She just wanted a bath." Tears well up in Jay his eyes.

"Did she pass out? What happened?"

"She has a concussion, Kev. She should've been laying in bed! But she was passed out in the bath, head in the water. He lips..." he shook his head. It's an image he doesn't want to think about.

"But you handled right. She is here now, in the best hands."

Jay shakes his head. "If she doesn't make it... I don't... I..."

Kevin puts a hand on Jay his shoulder. "She's going to be okay."

A brain bleed. They misdiagnosed you. Instead of a concussion you had a brain bleed.

You stared at the doctor Rhodes in shock. "We will keep you here for a few nights to keep you observed. But you should heal just fine."


Doctor Rhodes leaves the room as Jay walks in. He looks as pale as a ghost, dark circles under his eyes.

"Hey, how are you doing," he asks softly before putting a gentle kiss on your head.

"Did they tell you I had a brain bleed instead of a concussion?"

Jay slowly nods his head as he sits down on the chair next to your hospital bed.

"But you look like shit as well."

Jay didn't laugh. He was glad you were feeling good enough to joke, but he wasn't really up for it.

"Jay, talk to me. What's going on in there," you point at his head.

He didn't look at you. He stares at the ground. "You... your lips were blue. Did you know that can happen within seconds when your heart stops? You ehhh... you drowned. I..."

Tears burn in your eyes. You had no idea what it did to him. It was probably going to haunt him for a long time. "All I wanted was a bath. I just needed a minute to forget the day and wash everything off me. I thought I would be fine." Your voice croaks at the end.

Jay slowly lifts his head to look at you. "Sometimes you're so stubborn."

You smile at him. You were feeling exhausted and Jay could see it in your smile.

"Go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."

"You promise?"

"I promise. We'll get through it."

With that thought, you closed your eyes and fell asleep.

Jay Halstead imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now