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" My o-omega?"
Yoongi stutters through his words.
" What do you mean, Jimin ah ? "

Jimin didn't say anything. He doesn't need to say or ask anything when everything is like an open book in front of him. He hates the alpha for pretending like he doesn't know anything.

Pretending that he doesn't get what Jimin is trying to say when he obviously know. Pretend, Jimin thinks that's what the alpha is best at. He acted in front of Jimin like he wanted him back in his life, but he already have someone else.

Maybe he just wanted to make Jimin's life miserable again.

The lack of reply from Jimin made Yoongi frustrated and neither was the omega looking at him which made Yoongi more restless.

So, he reached out for Jimin's face using his fingers to lift Jimin's chin so he could finally look into his eyes and try to understand what the omega really meant by those words.

" Let go! "
Jimin pushed Yoongi away, getting himself farther away from the alpha. But Yoongi isn't the one to stop, he carefully approaches Jimin with slow steps.

" At least tell me what happened? Why are you so furious? "
Jimin scoffed at the dumb act the alpha was putting on of knowing nothing. To him it seemed like Yoongi was only doing so because he liked to see Jimin suffer.

The omega said with a smile that seemed more like a death threat.
" Then why are you shouting? "

Jimin huffed a breath. It's his voice, it's his choice whether he wanna scream or whisper, what does the alpha have to do with it. At this point Jimin gets annoyed with each and every word that comes out of the alpha's mouth.

" Jimin ah, calm down please."
It's interesting to see how Yoongi still hasn't lost his control over Jimin's childish behavior. He still has that soft tone to his voice and there's no sign of irritation on his face. Probably an effect one has after becoming a parent is to exercise their patience and self control.

" Min ah..."
Jimin felt like skin burn when Yoongi grabs his biceps. It's not a heated kinda burn but more like a soothing sensation, the same effect that applying ice cube has on a sun burnt spot.

" Don't touch me."
Jimin wanted to say the opposite but his ego is too high to let him say that.

" Okay, I won't. Just tell me what happened."
Yoongi took his hands off Jimin and suspended them in the air.

Soon, Jimin find himself getting back into the sane state of his mind too. There's too many emotions inside him right now hurt, sadness, anger, rage, miserable and betrayal.

After the rage has calmed down, he started feeling sadness seep in.
" I'm fine, just go to your son and your omega."
He repeats the same words, but this time instead of anger he's feeling tired and lost.

" Jimin ah, why do you keep calling Jungkook my omega? "

" Because he's YOUR omega. He's the one who bore your child !"
The words feel bitter as he admits them himself. He was purposely trying not to say it.

" What? Why- how- where did you even think this from? "
Yoongi doesn't know how he should react, he wants to laugh at how Jimin could think of something so absurd. But if he did that right now, he might loose his life.

" Jungkook's not Jun's father."
His one statement is enough to make Jimin's brain go haywire. But to Yoongi it seemed like it wasn't enough. He can see that the omega needs more assurement than that to feel okay.

" And neither is he my omega."
He adds the extra clarification so that Jimin has no doubt left about his and Jungkook's relationship.

" I told you I'm not on good terms with Yoonjun's dad."
Yoongi chuckles on seeing Jimin's puppy like eyes. But the omega is quick to hide that expression behind a stern look, like he always does.

" Then he-? "
" He's just a good friend of mine. I met him while he clicked some picture for our company's advertisement. Nothing else."

One of his friend has recommended Jungkook to him. And Yoongi was glad that he did. Because not only Jungkook was very good at his work but he also turned out to be a great friend.

" I met him in the airport today and brought him home to meet Yoonjun. They both have a great bond."
Somehow the clarification is still not enough for Jimin's brain. It's like there's still some doubt that Yoongi might be lying to him and not telling the truth.

But what he really hate the most in this situation was how it was affecting him. What place was he in to be affected by whether or not Jungkook was Yoonjun's parent.

He has already decided that there won't be a second chance between him and Yoongi. That he would never get involved with the alpha who broke his heart. He won't give him another chance to do so.

" But he said 'my baby'."
Jimin has only said that like a whisper but the surrounding was too silent so, Yoongi heard it.
" He likes to call Yoonjun like that."
He saw the sulky look on Jimin's face. His mind continued to chant 'cute' at that view.

" Are you happy now? Happy to know that he's not my omega."
Jimin's face heated up in embarrassment at the statement. He must look like a fool in the alpha's eyes. Next time he should try better to mask his emotions.

" Fuck you."
He spit through his teeth, before turning around to run away, not wanting to face the alpha with his beet root face anymore.

" Yah! Where are you going? "
Yoongi tried to hold the omega but today Jimin managed to slip through his hands.
" I've work to do."
He gives a reply so Yoongi wouldn't think he's mad or anything.

He doesn't want the alpha to think that his life affect him in anyway, but after what happened today he thinks it would be impossible now.

He took stairs instead of elevator, using it as a method to ease his brain. He feels so fucking stupid right now. Blaming it all on his possesive omega side. Damn he should've been able to move on by now, he should have made himself more stronger so Yoongi's life wouldn't bother him.

When he reaches his car he pulls out his phone first, calling his best friend.

" You done with the shopping? "
He hopes Taehyung would be done by now, cause he really need to vent out to someone and that someone is only Taehyung.

" Yeah, I'm just dropping noona home."
Jimin beams up on hearing that.
" Fine, let's meet at your cafe then, bring some soju on your way."

" Soju? Wait- weren't you going to amusement park with Yoonjun? "
Oh yeah, Jimin almost forgot about it. And Yoonjun forgot all about it too on seeing his father.

" His father came back."
" Oh... so, aren't you going to spend time with him? "
Taehyung is in full mood to tease his friend today.

" Why would I? "
" Plus he already have someone over."
That made Taehyung realize why Jimin suddenly wants to have a drink. So, he decide not to ask anything more, they can't have these kind of talks on phone.
You need to be face to face for this.

" Soju and chicken on its way sir."
Jimin smiles at that. His tears almost comes to his eyes at how much Taehyung understands him. Maybe he should really marry the alpha like his father suggests. There's no doubt that Taehyung would have a really good husband.

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