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Jimin stays frozen outside Yoongi's door. It has been a week since he came here but it felt like he was just here yesterday. The events starts to play in his minds once again to distract him; the screaming crying, the betrayal, all that he experienced in the span of one night.

He breaths in deeply, he's stronger now. He have much more control over himself to shake the unnecessary thoughts away.

He has already dealt with them for a very and he won't let those moment haunt him for forever. He takes in a deep breath to freshen up his mind.

His hands lingers at the doorbell, if Yoongi is sick he doesn't think he should make him open the door. So, he decides to just let himself in. It's not like Yoongi would mind.

The door opens with a creak and Jimin bites his tongue in frustration. He stood like that with door half opened and one foot inside waiting for Yoongi to say something at the noise. But when no voice came Jimin deduced Yoongi must be asleep.

So, he finally steps inside with being careful to not make anymore noise this time.

He tiptoes inside the house. His feet stops moving in shook when he looks at the situation of the house. It was quite.... messy.

There were several things sprawled all over the floor like the cushions, some toys, a few empty cans and bits of paper. The mess shocked Jimin very much. Because knowing the alpha, Yoongi likes to maintain a neat environment around himself and this was something the alpha would really hate.

Seeing this view it felt like the house has witnessed an intense fight here and it made Jimin think if it was done by Yoonjun after Yoongi told him the truth. He starts to feel guilty now, like it was partially his fault things turned out this way.

He was going to pick the things up but then decided he should check on Yoongi first. That's more important than cleaning right now.

He walks slowly to Yoongi's room. He put his hand around the knob and twisted it slowly, but didn't has enough courage to push it open.... until Yoongi's voice is heard from inside calling him.

" Jimin ah? "
Jimin's pupils dilate when he hears Yoongi's voice after a whole week. His voice is still so sweet as ever, it has the same longing that Jimin has in his heart.

The omega swallows the lump in his throat and finally pushes the door open.
The alpha must have felt his presence there, but how he did that... it's unexplainable. It's just the bond between them, a special one.

He steps inside with eyes still on the floor, he was feeling a little guilty for being the reason Yoonjun fought with Yoongi. If only he had gathered his feelings a little sooner he could have been the one to break the news to Yoonjun and the father son relationship wouldn't have been affected like this.

" Min ah."
Yoongi tries to keep his voice as soft as possible but it's hard because of his hurting throat caused by the stupid cold, that he caught last night while taking a night walk.

Jimin looks up on hearing Yoongi's broken voice. Yoongi had already sat up from his lying position, he has smile on his face but his eyes were crying.

And even though Jimin wasn't initially crying he started to cry now. Yoongi has always been his strength so, seeing Yoongi cry always make him tear up to.

He forgets all the guilt and unnecessary thoughts for now and instead ran into Yoongi's arm. He wants the comfort of his alpha embrace right now and nothing more than that. He knows how restless his omega was being away from Yoongi and he finally feels relaxed now.

Yoongi felt the same way too, all he wanted to do was run to Jimin because he missed him so much. This whole week was tougher than those years.

They both stayed like that for a very long time making up for the time they lost. Not just this one week but the past years they spent away from each other. Even though Jimin's heart was filled with hatred towards Yoongi at that time, it didn't stop him from missing the aloha.

I still remember. Do You? ꒰ა yoonmin ໒꒱ Where stories live. Discover now