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I woke up to see August and Paris gone and I panicked but remembered he was taking her. But Chris was sitting on my bed.

India- babe what you doing?

Chris- looking at you beautiful

India- your a creep

Chris- a creep just for you

India- I can't with you

Chris- mhmm

India- yea

Chris- how you feeling

India- better

Chris phone rung and he left afterwards. I think he's doing something he's not supposed to be doing. Somebody walked that I least expected.

India- Mrs.Smith I mean Milia?

Milia- hi baby girl

(You guessed it the old lady is milia/mrs.smith who is Andre's mother)

India- what are you doing here?

Milia- checking up on my daughter in law

India- sad to tell you but I'm never going to be you daughter in law Milia

Milia- why not?

India- your son and I are officially done.

Milia-what happened?

India- your grand daughter is not even yours by blood. Your son is an abusive man. There was no love. Your son raped me and put me in a hospital once again.

Milia- oh my poor baby. Sad to say he is just like his father if not better then worse.

India- what do you mean?

Milia- Andre's father was way bigger then Andre himself he was very abusive but he had so much love for me. He never did anything but beat me but I say it in the genes because Andrés father's father was abusive to his mom.

India- wow

Milia- I can see your pregnant?

India- yea me and my boyfriend just randomly is having a baby at a bad time.

Milia-as much as I wanted you to be my daughter in law I happy your with someone else. Andre had anger problems since he was a toddler but to see you in a hospital that's a no no. where's my grand baby at?

India- with her father

Milia- oh the boyfriend

India- no ex boyfriend


India- I dated him right before Andre

Milia- and you possibly didn't think Paris wasn't his?

India- what messed me up was that Paris was a month overdue so instead of being born in March she was born in April

Milia- oh ok

India- yea

Milia- well baby girl I wish you the best of luck and I'll see you soon.

India- alright milia

She walked out the room and I seen she left something...

Should I make a celebrity imagine book and take request from readers?

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