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Chris POV

I woke up with India next to me and thought maybe it was a dream but rolled my eyes when I see India phone ringing and August name popping up as "Hubby😘🍆💍". I picked it up and answered it.

Chris- hello

August- Chris? Where's India?

Chris- she busy right now

August-busy doing the fuck what?

Chris- she sleep

August- wake her up please

I woke up India and gave her, her phone.

India POV

August was telling me all these plans he made for us when I come back. I was smiling ear to ear. I finally got up and went to go freshen up and go check on Chris. He was in the kitchen cooking and I snuck up behind him and smacked his butt hard. He almost burned himself but turned around.

Chris- chill with that gay shit, you play to much!

He turned back around and finished cooking. We sat down and finally ate and talked.

Chris- how do you feel about another baby?

India- I want one and August really wants one but I told him lets get married first. I want commitment first. Like my life is screwed up. I been in a abusive relationship for awhile cheated on him with you and had gotten pregnant then you cheated and I went back with August who was before any of this and find out during us Paris was actually August daughter. A lot has happened and I just feel dirty like I sleep around a lot. When everything goes good something always comes and messes it up. I'm just scared but I got two little blessings and another one adds to it.

Chris- y-your pregnant?

India- no!I mean Royalty she's just everything you want and she makes you better.

Chris smiled and I smiled to. He started to lean in and I just stayed still. Once his lips was about to touch mines the door opened and we hurried and jumped back. It was mama Joyce with CJ and Roy. I smiled and walked towards them.

Royalty- ma ma ma

She walked/ ran towards me and I picked her up and kissed all over her face. She giggled and CJ started to whine. I put Roy down and she ran to Chris. I walked over to mama J and got CJ from her and kissed my baby multiple times. He giggled and grabbed my face in his baby hands and brung his face to mines and gave me a open mouth sloppy kiss on my nose. I laughed and Chris came behind me.

Chris- how's daddy lil man?

CJ reached for him and Chris took him.

Chris- go get dressed and we can go somewhere with the kids

I nodded and went upstairs to go get ready. I took a shower and freshened up everything then threw on some casual clothes. I walked downstairs to see we were matching and I laughed and so did Chris.

Chris- I had no idea you was going to match us. I just wanted the kids to match me

I laughed we gave goodbyes to mama Joyce and left. We got in Chris range and left. We decided to go shopping around at the mall for the kids then take them out to eat. We started driving when Chris song came on "New flame". Roy started singing in gibberish real loud and CJ was moving his hands. I laughed then me and Chris joined in singing to. We had people looking over at us from other cars but we didn't care. I made a snap and added it to my story getting viewers instantly. We finished singing and laughed. We arrived at the mall and got out. A car pulled next to us and Chris body guards got out. I forgot we had to have them. They were dressed casual so it didn't look to suspicious. We got out with me pushing the stroller and Chris holding Roy. We started walking in and looked around.

Chris- lets go to Baby Burberry

India- you read my mind I love Burberry and wear it all the time

We walked in and looked all around we bought a couple things for CJ and Roy. I bought Roy a nice dress,two swimsuits,and a skirt. I bought CJ a onesie and three shirts.We paid for that well I did because I told him he can buy the sneakers but knowing me I'm going to persuade him to let me pay. We have the bags to one of his guards and went to baby Gap and I bought Roy a pair of shorts and a baby bikini and CJ two onesies. Last place we went was the sneaker store and we were in there for hours. We bought them both tons sneakers and me and Chris bought some to match theirs. We finally was leaving and went to eat at the Virginia House. It was like soul food and other things but they food was the best. We sat at a table and Chris let his guards eat and have a break. I put Roy in a high chair and put CJ seat in the both. He was sleep and looking absolutely adorable. I looked up to see Chris staring at me and smiling.

India- what?

Chris- nothing beautiful

I smiled and looked at Roy who was coloring all over the color book they gave her. She looked at me and smiled then stuck her tongue out and I did it right back making her giggle. I heard whining and I looked to see CJ waking up I took him out his seat and Chris grabbed him from me and sitting him up on the table.

Chris- how's my little man?

He said talking in a baby voice to CJ while CJ rubbed his eyes and grabbed Chris nose.

Chris- you gone get all the girls then you gone find a girl like yo mama and marry her then wait till I'm really old then give us some grand babies

I laughed and Chris looked at me. I blushed as he kept staring at me. We finally order and got our food but we was just eating off each others plates mostly Chris taking my chicken and greens. I just took his juice and fed CJ and Roy as Chris finished my plate. We were getting ready to go since we been here for awhile and I grabbed Roy as Chris carried a sleeping CJ car seat. While walking out the restaurant we were bombarded with paparazzi taking pictures and yelling stuff at us. Chris covered CJ car seat since we didn't want them taking any pictures. We got in Chris car and headed back to his place. I realized I needed to go back to August. I told Chris and he looked a little bummed but I decided I'll bring Paris back with me. I packed my bag and gave Roy a kiss and hug goodbye and CJ a bunch of kisses on his cute face. I then went to Chris giving him a hug as he wrapped his arms around my waist picking me up slightly then putting me back down. He kissed my cheek then my forehead I smiled and went to my car putting my stuff in it and pulling off.

Time to get Paris...

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