Roar's Return

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THE SUN RISES OVER THE PRIDE LANDS, illuminating the kingdom in rich gold and blue colors. Animals all over awaken from their sleep to begin a new day. Yet down by the watering hole at the base of Pride Rock sat a cub supposedly looking at his reflection in the water.

The cub, Koman was small and tiny, for his age. He had brown fur, with a paler muzzle, paws, and underbelly.

He had a light brown head tuft as well as brown tufts of fur on his elbow joints. His eyes were green like emeralds and the color of the grass that he was currently laying on.

He took a deep breath as a cool morning breeze blew past him causing him to yawn in exhaustion about to close his eyes.

He could feel the sun on his fur beckoning him to arise for a new day to start, but he was just so tired.

He started to drift off into sleep thinking it was a perfect scenery to take a small nap before getting his day started.

What he didn't hear is both his best friends Bunga and Kion sneaking up on him in the tall grass. Both laughing about how peaceful Koman looked before they woke him up.

Before the lion could prepare to avoid the ongoing attack that was about to happen no sooner did the honey badger that is his best friend threw a baobab fruit startling him since it bounced off his head and rolled into the water below him.

He looked around confused for a second before blue-grey furred honey badger jumped on his head making him and the badger fall into the water soaking both of their coats.

Koman looked at Bunga annoyed for a second before it turned into a smile small seeing one of his friends.

Bunga is a quite short but stocky honey badger, with a well-rounded physique and small paws. His fur is dark silvery-blue with his nose being a reddish kind of color.

It reminded Koman of a sunrise.

Koman's ears twitched when he heard laughter coming from the tall grass. He rolled his eyes in annoyance knowing this was all Kion's plan, speaking of Kion he jumped out of the grass and tackled Koman to the ground.

"Kion." the lion said knowingly with a hint of annoyance on his face but mostly happiness.

Kion just smiled and rolled off his friend, "I'm sorry Komo." he apologized, getting off the lion before helping him up.

"Bunga and I are playing baobab ball, we wanted to see if you would join." Kion said with hopefulness that his best friend would join.

Kion is a lion like Koman but the two look completely different he possesses a pale golden pelt with patches of lighter fur on his muzzle, paws, and underbelly. His fur is several shades lighter than his friend Komo's and carries more yellow undertones.

A smile crossed the young cubs face and he nodded, "Alright Kion your on."

Koman didn't have many friends to play with since everyone except his two friends avoided him like the plague. So someone asking him if he wanted to play with them is refreshing.

Once the game was on the three friends started running around the Pridelands with Kion in the lead with the Baobab ball in his mouth while Koman and Bunga chased him.

Kion soon passed the ball back to Bunga the two playing keep away from their other friend.

Bunga tossed the baobab fruit back to Kion, only to have it intercepted by Koman who sent both a smug look. He turned around and faced the boys, his tail swaying behind him from how fast he was running.

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