The Rise of Makuu

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IT WAS JUST A NORMAL DAY in the Pride Lands, the lion guard was currently racing across the plains because of panicked chittering from a distressed animal.

"It's coming from Ukuni Woods!" Ono informed flying overhead looking for the distressed creature in need.

"What do we got, Ono?" Kion asked, looking up at the egret as he ran.

"Hyenas?" Koman questioned, on Kion's left side looking eager.

"Jackals?" Fuli called up with a smirk as she ran alongside her friends

"Vultures?" Beshte questioned, raising a brow,

"Hyenas... jackals... vultures," Bunga counted as he rode on the green-eyed cub's back, "Doesn't matter whatever it is the Lion Guard can take it!"

"You better believe it Bunga." Komo called glancing at the honey badger on his back.

"Hold on, getting it in sight." Ono narrowed his eyes, scanning ahead to find the location of the distress call. Once he located it, he rolled his eyes, "Really?" he sighed, looking down at the animals below.

"Got something Ono?" Called Kion as he and the rest of the guard stopped running.

Ono sighed, "Nothing thrilling, just a hyrax stuck in a thorn bush," he said unthusiastically looking annoyed.

"Seriously?" Fuli rolled her eyes.

"That's not so bad." Beshte smiled trying to see the positive side of things.

"We rushed all the way across the Pride Lands for this?" Bunga sighed looking up at Kion, while Koman shot him a glare.

"Actually, the five of us rushed across the Pride Lands for this, you Bunga, rode on my back." Koman said annoyed stretching his stiff back.

The honey badger shrugged, "Can you blame me? Your fur is sooo soft." Bunga started reaching for Koman's little head tuft but got swatted away for his efforts.

"Never mind that you two, we got to get this hyrax out of the thorn bush." Kion said getting both animals back on track.

"All right," The badger sighed, "I got this one." He went up and jumped on the rock that wasn't covered in thorns, "Come on little hyraxie" Bunga beckoned the animal,

"Let's get you out of there." He grabbed the little guy only to have him squirm in his grasp and run away from Bunga back into the thorns clutching onto some snake skin tightly.

"Uh Lil' B, I think the hyrax's trying to avoid being shredded by thorns." Beshte pointed out.

"Oh!" The honey badger thought for a moment before exclaiming, "Kion! Kion! Use the roar, it'll flatten the thorn bushes and release the hyrax."

While Fuli looked down annoyed by Bunga's stupidity, Koman facepawed looking at Bunga with a 'really' look.

"If Kion flattens the thorn bush with the Roar, what do you think will happen to the hyrax?" The fastest member questioned with a scoff.

"Good question Fuli." The blue-eyed badger remarked.

The red-manned cub sighed heavily, "We don't need my roar to clear the thorn bushes." Kion stated, "We can just pull em aside."

"Oh, yeah!" agreed Bunga. "Zuka Zama!" The bravest member of the guard darted into the bush and used his body to push the thorns back, clearing the way for the hyrax to get out. "Let's go, hyraxie! Move it!"

Once the cheetah saw the hyrax wasn't moving anytime soon she sped forward with the creature in her mouth. Out of harms way, Fuli drops the hyrax in the safety of the grass.

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