Eye of the Beholder

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THE LION GUARD WERE CURRENTLY in the middle of a wildebeest stampede, trying to locate Janja and his hyenas. Ono was scouting above since below the ground was filled with dust preventing the guard from seeing the hyenas.

"Kion!" Koman yelled, from somewhere in the dust. "How are we supposed to chase off the hyenas? If we can't even see them with all this dust?"

"I'm sure that's part of Janja's plan." Kion guessed dodging a wildebeest heading right for him.

"Kion!" Ono called from above the cub, "Look out!"

A wildebeest came charging straight towards the Lion Guard leader who had yet to see the animal, luckily for Kion, Koman happened to see it in time, enough to push his friend out the animal's way. Unfortunately for Koman, he didn't have enough time to move out of the way himself resulting in the wildebeest hoof stomping on his right paw.

The green-eyed lion grunted in pain before he got back up facing his leader, "Asante Koman." Kion replied panting slightly.

"Thank Ono, he saw it coming." The brown-furred lion said looking up towards the keenest of sight. "Ono keep your eyes peeled for Janja and his clan." He called up.

"Peeled eyes? Ew." The egret exclaimed in disgust until he saw Cheezi and Chungu hiding behind some bushes about to pounce on a young wildebeest calf. "Hapana! Bunga, Beshte! I see Cheezi and Chungu! They're behind that bush!"

"Let's get em, Beshte." Bunga said, jumping onto the strongest's back.

Beshte charged towards were Ono said the hyenas where with a shout, "Twende kiboko!" He yelled, with Cheezi and Chungu running away from the hippo in fear.

"Zuka Zama!" Bunga cheered, grinning madly.

The keenest of sight chuckled watching his friends chase away the scavengers, "That takes care of those two." He muttered continuing to fly above his friends in search of a problem.

"Komo!" He heard Kion's voice call out in the dust, Ono narrowed his eyes to the said lion cub only to see him struggling on an injured paw to avoid the wildebeest with Janja sneaking up on him. "Kion!" The bird, shouted panicked, "Koman's injured and Janja's right behind him."

Koman who was oblivious to the hyena sneaking up on him, dodged another wildebeest heading straight towards him. The cub jumped over the creature with a grunt wincing in pain when he stepped on his injured paw still yet to notice Janja getting closer.

"Hevi Kabisa!" The prince shouted before he started rushing towards his enemy knocking into the hyena just in time before he could attack Koman. The clan leader let out a snarl as he was pinned to the ground by the lion cub.

"I thought I told you to stay out of the Pride Lands!" Kion reminded, growling in the hyena's face with a glare. "Did you?" The male chuckled, "I must have forgot!" Janja says attempting to nip at his opponent only for Kion to claw him in the face.

Seeing a wildebeest heading right for them, Ono called down to his leader, "Kion, Incoming!" he alerted.

Kion, who sees what Ono was talking about, smirks at Janja. "See ya hyena." The lion cub says before pushing the hyena against a wildebeest rolling out of the way so he wouldn't get trampled.

Meanwhile, Janja was sent flying a few feet away landing with a grunt and a shake of his head in pain before he got up again retreating with the rest of his fellow hyenas following him.

The Lion Guard was finally able to regroup and watch the hyenas run in fear with their tail-tucked in between their legs. "Keep going, Janja!" Kion yelled after the hyenas, "That's right get out here!" Fuli added with a growl looking at Chungu.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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