Bunga the Wise

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THE RAIN POURED DOWN HARD as thunder boomed in the background lightning striking at every turn in the Pride Lands. On a cliffside, was a soaked lion guard who were trying to save a couple of baboons from falling over a cliff from a rotten tree.

"Baboons, you gotta come down." Kion called through the raging storm. "It's not safe up there."

"We're dry up here."One male baboon replied. "We'll come down when the rain stops." He turned, going back inside the tree.

"Were trying to help you to safety, you stubborn baboon!" Koman shouted in frustration, usually the cub would have way more patience with situations like this, but they've been rescuing animals around the Pride Lands all day. And it didn't help his mood that he was soaking wet and hungry.

"This guy is unbungalievable!" Bunga said.

"Ugh, baboons," Fuli groaned and rolled her eyes.

The tree started leaning closer and closer to falling from all the baboons jumping around adding extra weight to the already struggling hippo.

"Kion, the tree's gonna go,"Beshte informed struggling, "And I don't wanna go with it."

"Koman." Kion called towards his protector, "You think you can use your special ability and help Beshte!"

"Sorry Kion, but I haven't mastered any of my powers yet!" Koman yelled from above the tree, his plan was to try and persuade the baboons into leaving the falling tree.

"Calm down," The what looked to be the chief baboon ordered, "As long as we stay dry, whoo- whoo, everything will be fine."

"Dude your tree is about to fall off a cliff!" Koman snapped trying to get the stubborn baboons to see reason.

"He's right." Gasped a female baboon, who was holding her baby close to her chest. "Look." She pointed down towards the cliff causing the rest of baboons to go in a state of panic all trying to rush out.

"No! Stay on this side of the tree!" Kion yelled up to the scared animals.

"Guys, I-I don't know if I can hold it much longer." Beshte grunted.

"Hapana!" Ono exclaimed as the baboons screamed and shrieked, disappearing into the upper branches, one even pushing Koman causing him to slightly fall over the edge.

"Koman!" Kion shouted the rest of the guard looking on worryingly as well, "Got to think of something fast." The cub muttered before an idea struck him. "Beshte, think you could take on a little more weight?"

"Sure, just whatever you're gonna do, do it fast!" Beshte grunted out.

Kion turned his head towards his bravest member, "Bunga! I need you to scare those baboons down and help Koman up!"

"With pleasure." Bunga said before he started into a run towards the tree, "Zuka zama!" He climbed up the tree reaching Koman first helping him up before turning towards the baboons. "Okay, baboonies, you can thank me later." Bunga cracked his knuckles before he let out his secret weapon effectively scaring the troop.

Two of them landed on Fuli's back, while Kion caught one female baboon before she fell over the other side of the cliff. Ono swung by and caught a falling baby baboon with his talons before landing it back into his mother's awaiting arms.

"Alright time to go Bunga!" The cub picked Bunga up by his scruff before the lion leaped from the tree back to the safety of the ground. Not even a second later the tree toppled over the cliff breaking into small pieces from its fall.

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