Chapter 3 - Extermination

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The matter was explained to the old master Lan as soon as they arrived. However, it did not require his skills and knowledge to decode the protection spell. Lan Wangji spent an entire day in the library within a pile of books and finally came up with the incantation and the process of how to cast it.

A day after this discovery, a messenger from the Jin Clan came to the cloud recess delivering a letter from the leader himself, who expressed his concern asking them if any help is needed for the matter for which the two jades had left the Koi tower in a hurry.

Four days had passed and the concern with the ghouls was growing. They were increasing in number and the people, not being able to use the water body had to travel long distances to collect water for their daily use. Suspicions about the ghouls reaching other lakes also could not be avoided.

Decoding the spell was difficult, but creating the counter spell was also not easy. It kept bouncing back, no matter how many times everyone tried.

Therefore,after carefully considering the situation, Lan Qiren wrote a reply asking for help. But before he could send for a disciple to pick up the letter, Wei Wuxian barged in his room.

Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen was already present there. Seeing the three of them looking at him, Wei Wuxian let out a nervous laugh and bowed, then walked slowly towards the table.

"Master Lan, I think I have a solution for the problem. I have created a counter spell for the incantation which I think will work."

Lan Qiren looked at him with suspicion, Lan Xichen with expectation and as expected of Lan Wangji, his expression was not decipherable.

Sensing the different vibes in the room, Wei Wuxian suggested for a trial.

The trial was done in the back mountain on some spirits, as water ghosts were not present and it came out to be successful.

The letter for help was no more sent and the next day Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji set out for Biling lake with other disciples. Xichen, however stayed back due to some urgent clan matters that needed attention.


- "Wangji xiong, why are you so silent all the time? Don't you feel boring ?" Wei Wuxian complained.

-" No." Lan Wangji replied

- "Why dont you tell me about your childhood? Tell me, what do you like to play the most."

- " "

- "Why dont you speak?"

- "Did not play."

- " Huh? Then what did you do for the whole day? Stay in the library and study! That means you have never run around the fields with friends, did not play hide and seek, did not steal fruits from other's trees. Did you also not go for midnight snacks? Such a boring life ! Hmph."

- " "

- "Wangji xiong! Why don't you reply again. Dont you think it's a bit rude?" Wei Wuxian pouted.

- " "

- "Lan Wangji"

- " "

- " Lan Zhan...!" this time his voice was a bit high pitched.

Lan Wangji finally looked at him giving him a cold stare, enough to silence anyone, but Wei Wuxian continued -

- " Is it that you do not like being called by your birth name ? ... You see, we both are of the same age and now we are even travelling together. Doesn't that make us close friends?"

- " No "

- " Okay. Okay. But let's just call each other by our birth names. That makes us friends right? My birth name is Ying, Wei Ying " , a smile appeared on his lips.

- " "

- " Lan Zhan! You are ignoring me again! Huff ! You see, we have to travel a long distance. Why dont you chat with me to kill time? Or just reply me when I ask someth... Mmmph?...mmmph....mmmmmmmmmph"

The silencing spell was casted without warning.

Wei Wuxian knew the birth name of Lan Wangji, thanks to Jiang Cheng who already told him about the handsome young man. Jiang Cheng also warned his brother not to stir up any trouble with the second jade, and advised him to stay away from the 'cold person' . Yes, that was the adjective he used.


The waters of the lake seemed to have changed in colour when they reached near the shore. It was not transparent or blue or virid from underwater vegetation. Rather, it seemed to have a shade of black.

When they rowed to the centre and a talisman was used that lit up into flames, the fuscous fog didn't dissipate much, demanding the use of another talisman. No wonder the number of water ghouls were increasing, and maybe even their defensive strength was growing. A hint of doubt crossed their minds as they waited for the creatures to resurface. But there was no turning back.

In no time, the boats started to sink more. Wei Wuxian immediately snapped his newly invented talismans towards the ghouls and Bichen out of all swords unsheathed itself to dive into the water. When it came back into the hands of its master, everyone knew that it had already killed a ghoul.

Thus, all the others prepared their swords, the ones with high level of cultivation allowing theirs to freely plunge into, and the others holding theirs steadily, ready to kill the ghouls that were trying to move inside the boats.

Wei Wuxian snapped rest of the talismans, breaking all the protection spells. After about fifteen minutes, when it seemed that no more ghouls were alive, some of the disciples used the special spirit nets to fish out the now harmless creatures.

The fog that started to condense again a moment ago, was now no more present. It had dissapeared like magic into the thin air. The waters were returning back to it's own transparent state and the heavy air eased itself into a cool breeze.

When the cultivators reached near the shore after a successful extermination, a bunch of people welcomed them with two baskets of loquats as a thanking gesture, but Lan Wangji denied it politely saying that it was their duty to protect and help them.

Well, you could take just one basket if not two. I am hungry after not being able to eat the blunt food these days. How generous the second young master Lan is!

Wei Wuxian thought before following behind with a pout.

Along with Lan Wangji and the others, they made their way out to the Caiyi town. The streets were crowded with people, some buying fancy stuffs and others tasting the spicy street foods. They came to a halt in front of an inn that seemed a little less crowded and sat down for dinner.

Wei Wuxian ate to his heart's content. After five days of surviving on the blunt soups and vegetables, he finally was eating meat. His plates were covered in red, ordered especially to satisfy his taste buds.

It was a tiring day after the long journey and the exorcism. Everyone was waiting to retire to bed and take a good rest. So, immediately after the dining, Lan Wangji proceded to pay the bills and ask for rooms. Wei Wuxian tagged along in search for liquor. But to their dismay, there were only four empty rooms available.

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