Chapter 5 - Away from home

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"Jiang Cheng! Uncle Jiang!" Wei Wuxian ran towards his family and hugged his brother.

- "You promised to come here a day after. And now you are coming after one week. Huh?"

- "Because I don't want everyone to worry about us." Jiang Cheng scoffed.

That day at the Koi tower when Wei Wuxian went to his brother to inform about his departure, he actually was asking him if he would be okay with it. Infact, he told Jiang Cheng that he didn't mind denying the offer, if the other was reluctant. But Jiang Cheng, though always shouting and fighting him, saw the excitement on Wei Wuxian's face and he exactly knew how much his elder brother loved adventures. So, he allowed him to go promising that he would be joining him a day after.

But instead, Jiang Cheng went back to lotus pier. Not that a letter wasn't enough to inform his father about their stay at cloud recess, but because he knew his mother very well. Madam Yu would have surely punished them on their return, hitting Wei Wuxian with zidian and making Jiang Cheng kneel down for a day or two. She was biased and the only one in the Jiang family who did not love the child whom her husband adopted as their own.

- " So responsible you are, Jiang Cheng." Wei Wuxian mocked and then turned to his uncle and bowed.

- "Master Qiren told me that the extermination was successful. A-Xian, I am so proud of you." Jiang Fengmian praised his eldest disciple.

- "Thank you uncle. When are we going back?"

- "We will leave tomorrow morning. But you are coming back again after two weeks."

- " Huh ?"

- "Master Qiren praised your abilities and asked me if I was willing to let you study the advance courses. A-Xian, I agreed to it."

- "But uncle, I don't want to come back here. There so many rules and the food is so blunt." He pouted.

" A-xian, you will surely benefit from it. And A-Cheng will also come to attend the class that is arranged for the junior disciples."

It was a relief that Jiang Cheng would be coming with him and he was determined to bring back some spices from the lotus pier to sustain for three months.

The days at lotus pier went smoothly. Madam Yu didn't punish Wei Wuxian after learning about the complexity of the case and his contribution in solving it.

The first week passed by in the blink of an eye- playing in the waters, stealing lotus pods, strolling in the markets and sneaking out for midnight snacks.

The second week was comparatively gloomy. The thought of having to stay away from home at a place with three thousand rules made them feel sick. That however disappeared when Yanli send them a letter- she was coming to Gusu with her husband, who too was selected for the advanced classes.

After all the packing was done, which included not only clothes, but also some spices that Wei Wuxian had managed to secretly take from the cooks, the two prides of Yunmeng bowed to their elders and left for Cloud recess.


- "Father, did you send for me?"

- "Yes. You are not going to attend the lectures at the Gusu Lan."

- "Father!"

- "Do you think that the education given by our clan is not sufficient?"

- "Ofcourse not. But father, you know it's not easy to get selected for the advanced classes. Only disciples excelling in their junior classes get this opportunity."

- "You have already proved that you are worthy enough for those meaningless classes. No need to attend anymore."

- "But I really want to!"

- " How dare you raise your voice against your father!"

- "Sorry father." The boy bowed down and ran away, a sense of disappointment and anger taking away his otherwise composed nature.

On reaching his room, he saw his wife packing her things happily while humming some tune. He was about to turn around and run away again to some lonely place when a sweet voice called him. Being the eldest disciple of the prestigious Clan, how can he show his weakness to others!

But that didn't matter now. All he needed was someone who would comfort him, and he moved towards his wife and hugged her tightly, letting his tears flow without any restraint.


The morning in Gusu was not so calm like the other days. Students for both junior and senior classes were finding their way to the classrooms, chattering in hushed tones about the tight schedule they were provided with.

The eldest disciple of the Lan clan, Lan Xichen was presiding over the junior classes. The head of the sect, on the other hand took the responsibility to polish the seniors.

When Wei Wuxian entered the classroom, some of the students had already seated themselves. Among the unfamiliar faces, there was one person he knew, a boy in white, sitting straight with a perfect posture in one of the seats of the front row. Wei Wuxian's favorite, however, was the back rows, or specifically the last row, where it was easier to cause some mischief without the teacher noticing. But, this time surprisingly, he moved forward and plopped down beside Lan Wangji, giving him one of his brightest smiles. The second jade however had no expression in return and turned his head to face the teacher's table.

Wei Wuxian rubbed his nose and pouted. Hmph!

The class started with the students introducing themselves and then Lan Qiren giving a brief account of the things they were going to learn in the coming days.

The subjects were common, except the part where the students who were from the other clans had to learn the three thousand Gusu Lan rules.

"Now, I expect everyone to write down the refined techniques for better meditation as I dictate them before moving on to practicing." Lan Qiren voiced.

The first class went smoothly without any disturbance. But a certain absent person made Wei Wuxian worry a little. When the students moved out after the class had ended, he saw a boy in golden robes among the juniors. The face seemed familiar and Wei Wuxian recalled that it was the same boy who was dining that day in the Caiyi town. But why is he wearing the Jin Clan robes? He was certainly not wearing them that day at the inn!


[A/N :

1. Jinag Cheng's age is not clearly mentioned in the books (idk if I have missed it somehow, let me know if that's the case). In this story he is 2/3 years younger than Wei Wuxian. So, he is attending junior class.
(Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are 17/18 yrs old.)

2. Those who are wondering why a grown up man who already has a wife is crying for such a petty thing, well, I guess you have to wait for some time to know the reason :) ]


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