xviii. call at 6:15

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☆★☆★→ ←☆★☆★

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☆★☆★→ ←☆★☆★

JOSH NEWBY had no reason to go back to Hawkins. He didn't have to if he didn't want to, or so Will Byers had told him a million times over— he just didn't want to be stuck thirdwheeling Mike Wheeler and El Hopper, although he seemed even sadder about it than usual.

Josh would've agreed. Maybe there wasn't anything for him in Hawkins— of course, Will was just talking about Max Mayfield.

Josh and Max had broken up at some point, although Josh couldn't figure out exactly when. One day, she just stopped answering his calls. One day, he just stopped trying.

Josh didn't blame her. He wasn't angry with her. Will told him he should've been. Max had completely avoided him. She'd left him in the dust. But Josh knew she was struggling in Hawkins. At least, that's what Dustin and Lucas had told him whenever she called home.

"Oh, yeah, she's different," Dustin had scoffed the one day, "like, really different. She's just not herself. That's why you should stick to your plan— come back for spring break and try to talk to her."

Josh had agreed a few weeks prior in late February after spending Valentine's Day alone as El stood by the phone practically the entire day. Josh wanted to sock Mike in the face.

The morning of March 21, 1986, Josh woke up in a cold sweat. His forehead was damp with his hair sticking down onto it as he took deep breaths, looking around.

For the weeks leading up to his return to Hawkins, Josh had been having nonstop nightmares about his dad and mom. It was bone chilling what he saw when he closed his eyes at night, even though he'd never seen it before. He saw his father getting mauled to death by the Demo-dogs, laying on the hospital floor, his blood spraying the floor as he screamed loudly.

The problem with his dreams was that Josh hadn't been there when Bob Newby was killed by the Demo-dogs. He was waiting with his friends by the gate outside the lab.

It was about time Josh began thinking about how his dad died, in all honesty. Maybe it was a good thing his imagination tried to traumatize him more than he already had been. Maybe he needed a rude awakening. He looked at the wall, where his desk was, and his eyes landed on Will's drawing—
Bob Newby, Superhero. Next to that was a picture of Josh, Bob, and Jane Newby. He diverted his gaze back to the sheets of his bed.

"Good morning!" exclaimed someone in his ear, making him jump back fearfully. It was El, beaming happily. She'd grown her hair out a lot since they'd left Hawkins, and Josh was surprised to see just how much she looked like Joyce.

"What, El?" he groaned out miserably, covering his face with his pillow.

"It's almost time for you to go to the airport!" she continued excitedly, smiling at him. "I'm going to school with Will and Jonathan now."

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