03. ( jc )

568 9 3

TITLE : bad boy with a (not so secret) secret
DUO/COUPLE : jeongcheol ( seungcheol+jeonghan )
GENRE : angst(????) to fluff (i can't do angst so BARE WITH ME)
WORD COUNT : 566 words

— 🎭

seungcheol is at school feeling a bit grumpy and no one knows why he's this grumpy in the morning. (it's the morning.. what do you expect from a teenager?)
"for fuck's sake, what is taking that stripper pole so damn long?!" junhui tried to sniffle down his laugh at the description his dear friend had given a taller yet younger male whom was very late.

"i'm here— OW—!" mingyu cried out in pain as seungcheol had smacked the back of his head with a fuming look on his face, mad at the boy who made him wait for wonderland on earth. it was all fun and games though so mingyu understood why his friend was fuming— i mean— who wouldn't get mad at their friend who made them wait for hours on end?
"jun, if i hear you laugh or even giggle, you know what i'll do later." which immediately made the chinese shut his mouth.

this was choi seungcheol— the bad boy of the school— baring sharp teeth that could cut your skin and make you regret messing with him. no one really thought he would be able to make someone fall in love— or make himself fall in love.
so it was a shocker when people heard he wasn't single and was only soft and vulnerable to his lover.

• • •

seungcheol peeked through the apartment door before feeling himself grin at the sight of the angel holding a cup of brewing hot chocolate with seungcheol's large t-shirt reaching mid-thigh over his upper body— feeling quite comfortable in the fabric as the afternoon sun set in the distance of the highly paid apartment. did i mention seungcheol was also rich?
"hannie, i missed you," seungcheol's voice was honey to jeonghan's ears as he felt the older's arm wrap around his waist.

"i missed you too." jeonghan whispered as seungcheol buried his head into the younger's neck— inhaling the pleasant aroma of his lover's shampoo of strawberries dipped in melty chocolate.
"you smell nice.." his lips moved— bringing jeonghan to a soft giggle as he felt ticklish.

"cheol, how was your studies?" jeonghan was intelligent, he graduated early from his school so he helps out with seungcheol in studies— originally suppose to be his tutor until they fell in love from the first glance.
"it's going great," seungcheol replied as his warm hand was still sat on jeonghan's flat stomach, hands dangerously close to the waistline of jeonghan's shorts.

"seungcheol." jeonghan started, hands gripping on the wrist of seungcheol's muscular arm.

their feet left the open dining room slash kitchen, abandoning jeonghan's now cold chocolate drink on the counter as they laid in bed— soaking up warmth from both their body heat.
"hannie.. i love you so much."
"mm.. i love you too cheol," jeonghan replied, a loving hand cupping seungcheol's cheek as their lips meet in a loving kiss being shared in the moonlight.

bad boy seungcheol was only open and soft to his lover jeonghan.

you thought there was gonna be smut? oOO SWEETIE YOU THOUGHT WRONG

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