TITLE : a little bit of danger
DUO/COUPLE : seoksoo ( joshua+seokmin )
GENRE : mafia/gang au / fluff but ⊙.☉ in the quarter end
WORD COUNT : 1002 words—— 📽
seokmin skillfully placed the tiny bomb in the tiny creaks of the building, currently dressed in a suit with dress shoes to mimic a new worker in a company— he walked with a cheery smile painted on his lips as the earpiece that fitted perfectly in seokmin's ear had asked, "did you plant them already?" minghao asked as dokyeom could hear the continuous typing and distant commands that wonwoo made as the two were the main hackers or their eagle eyes when the fog was too thick to see in.
dokyeom and alongside jeonghan were the actors in the play of this gang— having a pretty smile and visuals always played well in favors when it came to bribing.
"mhm, floor one all cleared." seokmin replied as he saw jeonghan in view with a thumbs-up, people coming up towards him and jeonghan made a lie saying he had a habit of doing a thums-up when he succeeds in doing something.
"okay but now i want you two out of the building as fast as possible— get to the van and let junhui and hansol handle the rest." minghao spoke and the two looked up yo each other before going to different exits— no one should know that these two spies know each other. as they walked, they met each other again and let out a sigh of relief seeing seungkwan, their escort buddy for this mission leaning against the wall waiting for them.gunshots were heard in the distance as the timer on seungkwan's phone ticked towards twenty five seconds, they quickly walked out the building and entered a black van that was parked near-by, it took the three fifteen seconds to meet back with chan whom was their getaway driver.
seungkwan counted from fifteen to one and heard a distant explosion. the four in the van grinned in their success as wonwoo's voice rang through their earpieces (including the two snipers who were at their post on top of the building), signaling the success of their mission."nice to know all of you alive and breathing so just pick up minghao and seungkwan's boyfriends and drive home quick, jisoo and seungcheol are worried sick for their two angels." wonwoo's voice sounded tired and a yawn was heard through— telling the members who were on this late-night mission how ready wonwoo was for his bed and his lover who was a giant stripper pole.
chan drove to the building where the two snipers were, junhui getting on while vernon tackled seungkwan into a hug— junhui decided to sit in the front with chan to avoid the scene and a painful reminder on why he couldn't bring minghao with him.the ride home was silent as dokyeom reloaded sites and their over-dramatic headlines, minghao and mingyu made sure the bombs they used would never hurt a human's flesh— they would sting for a while but afterwards, they will be fine.
the bombs were only known for blowing up building but left residents unharmed, that's what seventeen— their mafia were all about— they played and miggled with the wrong people and to see if they did bad shit. they would blow their building or two as a warning.seventeen worked very closely with other groups with good intentions. monsta x hated abusers alongside with txt and enhypen so those three mafia groups worked together to track down abusers and provide evidence to children who wanted to speak up. bts worked with seventeen to get rid of people who used money as greed and protected themselves with money.
if the threats from seventeen didn't scare them— bts would come in play and steal something close to them either it's because money or a love one— usually money on the common line.the van parked in the underground garage of their base— rows of cars from expensive, shiny and limited cars to road tip cars lined as the people in the car got out. hansol was carrying a sleeping seungkwan with him, on his back; chan and junhui were the first to run to the stairs and declare a race as jeonghan and seokmin talked about their mission today while also removing their earpieces to later on hand over to the technology department to keep for future missions.
"help me give this to minghao too hyung, i'll go visit shua in the medical room!" seokmin shouted and left jeonghan alone to enter the elevator alone to the second floor.seokmin entered another elevator and pressed the first floor— where the medical room was on. jisoo was the only doctor in their mafia but it didn't mind the older too much. all that mattered was if the younger was gonna visit him like usual despite the increase of night missions for the seokmin and jeonghan ever since they locked targets with woo jungji.
a light knock on the medical room door and seokmin was already in the loving arms of his lover. "missed you shua," the younger whispered, a lovesick smile painted on his lips as joshua dipped his head in the crook of seokmin's neck pressing butterfly kisses and kitten licks as a wanting to adore the korean's neck with marks.
"missed you too, minnie." the doctor replied, arms still wrapped around seokmin's waist.
despite the danger of falling in love with a gang member like seokmin— joshua still loved the aching feeling of having the younger in his arms, safe and sound with no wounds on his body.a little of danger wouldn't hurt anyone right? seokmin asked himself before finding himself in the lap of the older; the younger had already straddled the american's lap.
one kiss was all it took for jisoo to go nuts.
a little bit of danger in their shared room but that's what seokmin liked— what they both liked.

before this.
Fanfictionsvt - tbz | fanfiction oneshots welcome to chaos aka my word vomit/idea outlet. word count :: n-a [ lowercase intended. ] - byyinn, 2022-2024