07. ( jc )

413 8 3

TITLE : seashells
DUO/COUPLE : jeongcheol ( seungcheol+jeonghan )
GENRE : forbidden lovers with a hint of beach lovers
WORD COUNT : 383 words

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feet buried in the sand, hands interlocked as the waves crashed into rocks— just laughing over dumb, stupid things— that's what jeonghan wanted but ultimately— failed to get.
so here he was, hands holding onto the seashell necklace as he cried in agony over the pain he felt.

it hurt so much, burned and stung like a bee's sting, his eyes puffy and red—
"hannie," his calm voice rang in his head, maybe even in his ears and surroundings— he wanted to deny it, wanted to drown out all the voices that haunted him like halloween ghosts on halloween nights.
he hit his head once, twice before the warmth around his wrist stopped him, "hannie,"

it was no dream that jeonghan could runaway from.
his hands tighten around the seashell necklace, hoping to runaway from this nightmare that held him so closely. he never ran the other way though, running to the direction of where his heart has deemed safe.

warmth engulfed him, hands wrapped around his waist as his salty tears were soaked up by the cotton of his lover's shirt.
never meant to be in love but they loved anyway.

"hannie," seungcheol whispered— maybe even breathed out in relief, placing his chin on top of the younger's head after successfully getting his lover to listen to his voice instead of the voices in jeonghan's head.
hands still snaked around the younger's waist as the sea crashed with the rocks littered near the coast.

"i'm sorry, i'm so sorry.." jeonghan cried out, tightly grasping the fabric of seungcheol's shirt— repeating and slurring out words that only made seungcheol hum in response. he couldn't fully understand them but he sure understand the desperation in his voice.
"it's okay hannie, we're here now all right? it's okay."

where the seas crash on the coast,
where the forbidden is told in the stories of the sand—
only to be washed away.
that's what their stories were.
forbidden but they happened anyway.
only to be washed away and they didn't want that.

i wrote this in school and i only did a bit of editing to the story so enjoy what i wrote :D

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