10. ( jh )

345 9 3

TITLE : sex, drugs, etc.
DUO/COUPLE : junhao ( junhui+minghao )
GENRE : out of life au
WORD COUNT : 797 words

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there's always a reason why minghao enjoys the late night telephone calls with junhui— something about him just screamed comfort and just comfort. something that minghao didn't have for his whole entire life.
junhui was the ever so often popular kid but that didn't stop the older from falling in love with the wallflower minghao.

there were memories with just laughs and giggles through the shitty speakers minghao's phone had, but that didn't stop the two oblivious friends to continue talking and laugh at nearly everything.

"hao~ i wanna hug you right now but.. i don't know if you would want that." junhui gave in— he was tired of sending the oblivious boy hints that the younger couldn't pick up once.
"then why don't you?"

the night slumbered but junhui was out the door with a grin on his face, he wanted to make sure that everything was perfect. he had snacks in the bag pack he had in his back as he climbed over the fencing of his house.

a knock to the door and a grumbling sleepy minghao greeted the grinning older.
"j-junnie? what are you doing here?" arms wrapped around the wallflower's waist, "to hug you~ and to possibly cuddle you too."

• • •

the clock ticked and showed the glaring date, minghao grinned as he waited. the door clicked opened and a familiar latter entered the dimly lit room— flower petals on the wooden floor of minghao's home as for minghao, well.

he looked amazing in slicked back hair and a suit that was bounded to meet with the floor after this dinner. "junnie~ how was work?"
the older grinned, "boring, but surely this dinner would be nice right?" the older's grin grew as minghao shivered under junhui's arms wrapping themselves around the younger's waist.

oh boy was there a lot of teasing and not to mention the sexual tension that surrounded them. each touch was like fire dancing on their skin and each kiss just got even more heated. "h-how about we enjoy dinner first before going onto this c-course?"

junhui nods, and enjoys both the dinner course and sex course of the day.

• • •

aside from the fact that minghao wasn't a drug addict, junhui being his happy pill on any time of the day was an exception. junhui wasn't like the other drugs— he was a perfectly calculated mixture of happiness for minghao and a perfect boyfriend for any individual.

three whole years was a lot, but did the couple care? nope, they chose to love each other to death.
only, as time passed.. the more confident junhui grew. minghao remembers the times when he had to work to get junhui turned on to even make the older chinese to start touching and wanting skin on skin.

nowadays, the older does it his own way. they've gotten so used to living and sleeping together that minghao didn't even react to junhui's sexual touches on his waist last night when minghao was still half-conscious!
which may i also add; the younger loves having his waist touched during sex!

• • •

huh, life.

it was harsh for everyone once in a while, and it was hard to even completely grasp onto the concept of life. what was our purpose for life? why were made into this world by our parents? what do we really gain for being alive when we're really just suffering?
everyone has different questions that roamed their minds and minghao has a million.

he was the school's wallflower for god's sake.
but he became quite a topic when the popular kid called him using pet names used by couples.
the usual ones were consisting of; baby, babe, bud, honey, or his name which was jumbled up to create some kind of cute nickname (which was not nice, imagine being called as "mingie!" for a change), in the end, minghao was most comfortable with just hao or any pet names that was not weird.

he wasn't weird like mingyu calling wonwoo his kitten (if you tell him, he'd say that their way of pet names was just weird).

and since the beginning of their relationship, minghao had finally found the true purpose to his life— his self-considered soulmate wen junhui was his sole and only purpose.
so giving small hints that he was actually ready for marriage, junhui took his absolute time making sure everything was ready and molded to absolute perfection.

they were the ideal couple, and everyone loved them together— even their parents when they were oh so young.
and as junhui kneeled down with a velvet box in his hand, minghao cried happy tears in his rain, "yes!"

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