The Weedless Seed

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Marie's POV: 

The house was empty, i was alone in the baby room, looking over pamphlets about child birth and labor. Allowing Halle and Drew to have there space, as they were going on on dates, trying to rekindle the bond they once had. A window broke downstairs. And fear lunged itself into my stomach at the sudden sound. I looked up from my pamphlet, and i could feel my heart racing. 

If someone broke into the house, wouldn't an alarm go off? didn't Halle and Drew have any kind of security? my mind then quickly drifted to if Drew was enjoying himself with Halle, or drinking too much wine that maybe he spilled the truth to her without me. Focus. Right.

I rise from the rocking chair, as i closed the pamphlet and walked down the hall slowly. That was when i started to hear footsteps downstairs, as i hid. Trying to catch my breath, i grabbed a bat nearby, and started down the stairs very carefully. I peek behind a corner only to see a woman, who looked young, in her mid twenties, pacing the floor, and speaking into a recorder. 

Shit, it's a reporter. 

I kept hidden in a corner, "the house appears to be empty, i broke a window to get again and disabled the alarm before doing so. Should be in and out in no time" she whispered into the recorder. A part of me couldn't understand how she was documenting and confessing to breaking and entering into someone's home. Did she want criminal evidence against herself? 

Disabled the security system?! i knew it, i slowly walked over to the system on the wall nearby, as the entire thing had been toggled with. Had she been in here before? how else did she know where the system was and how to disable it? the more questions i had for her the more scared i became. Drew and Halle had been gone for a few hours, was the date really that good they couldn't come back already? 

Come on Marie, think. 

Well, even if she disabled the system, that still must have sent an alert to the police.. right? cause if not, this will result into desperate measures, which includes this bat. The woman was walking closer to where i was hiding, as i stepped back just a tad only for the floor to creak under me. I winced, heart racing, ears ringing, breath lost. "Show yourself.." she said aloud, not even a who's there, or is someone there? or hello? no.. just show yourself. 

I didn't obviously, i wanted her to get closer so could swing this bat at her, give me a little time to run and get help. Perhaps i could make it next door, have them call the police. Her footsteps were getting louder and harder, and just before i could even swing the bat with everything in me. 

My water breaks. 


A gasp left my mouth, as the water spilled out of me and splashed onto the floor, drenching my nightgown and pooling down my legs. Perfect timing. The woman then stepped into vision, as she looked down at the fluid on the floor and then back at me, wide eyed. She was fair skinned, a mole on her right cheek, and hazel almond eyes. I swung the bat into her direction, only i swung to hard, as she just stepped back, and fell to the floor. Clumsy me. 

I fell on my side, being careful not to fall on my stomach, as the bat flew out of my hands, spiraling onto the floor. The woman looked down at me in shock, "correction the house is not empty, the subject appears to be pregnant. The subjects name is Marie Gonzalez" she said, as if i was some test subject, which really infuriated me. 

"Why are you staying here? in the Tusgrove's house? are you visiting?" she asked, as if this was any of her business. I just reached for the bat, hoping this time i would actually do some damage. But a contraction hit me like a thief in the night. And i groaned in pain. Clutching my stomach. I then started dragging myself on the floor away from her, cause i knew if i walked it would make the pain even worse. 

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