The Happily Never After: Part One

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Marie's POV: 

After a few moments of fake sleep, i headed downstairs when i felt a little less dizzy. Everyone was singing to Halle, as she stood behind her cake, blowing out her candles. Halle's eyes met mine, across the room, as she made her way over to me. And took my hand, i walked alongside her. "There you are! i'm happy you're feeling a bit sober now, i wanted to take the moment to thank you for all of this. It's wonderful" she said, as she beamed pulling me into a hug. I smiled in return, as i held her in my arms. 

"Quick! let's take a photo, a family photo" Halle said, as Drew walked over to her and one of her friends, took Halle's phone to snap the photo. I moved out of the way, as Drew handed Bray to Halle to hold. "Marie, where are you going?" Halle asked, as she reached out her free hand, i was stunned. There's no way she thought i was apart of this family, i didn't really know how i felt if this ever became a thruple. But i smiled in relief and took her hand, as she pulled me next to her. 

"Beautiful!" Kendall said, as she took the picture. "Perfect" Halle said, as she looked at the picture and everyone else crowded around. "Okay, gift time!!" one of her friends yelled, as everyone cheered. "Oh gosh" Halle said, as Bray was startled by the sudden noise change, and began to cry. I needed to get out of here. Out of this perfect fantasy everyone, including Halle herself, thought we were living in. So i stormed out of the house, and went for a ride. 

As i stepped on the gas and pulled out of the driveway, i just drove in circles, within the neighborhood, and i couldn't stop thinking about all the things Drew and i have gone through this year together, and our entire lives. Every fight, every argument, every kiss, every hug. And i just knew once i told Halle the truth, i would lose everything. And probably lose my best friend and the love of my life in the process. Tears were blurring my eye sight as i cried, almost getting into an accident, as i swerved off to the side of the road. 

The radio was playing in the background, "Halle and Drew Tusgrove just took to Instagram, and introduced there baby girl to the world. Brayleigh Tusgrove. It's also Halle Tusgrove's birthday today, the model herself is now 28 years old. Happy Birthday Halle! and congratulations!" the man said on the radio. I then cried some more. After i cried most of it out and collected myself. 

I drove back to the house, and everyone was already leaving. "Hey! where'd you go so suddenly?" Halle asked, when i made it back into the house. "Had to make a last minute errand" i said, as she nodded. I then joined her, as we cleaned up the house together. "Thank you again, seriously Marie, this was the best gift ever" she said, as i smiled. "Can you put Bray down? i would, but i wanted to.." Halle said, but i knew where she was going with this. "It's no problem" i said, as she smiled. "Thanks Marie" she said, as she hugged me again. 

I held Bray in my arms, as i walked over to her bedroom and got her ready for bed. Changing her into her pajama's. Every moment i was with Bray, my worries slipped away. Nothing else mattered to me, except that i was her mother in this very moment. The minute it was gone, that was it, Halle was her mother. I treasured these memories with her, cause if it was all i was going to get. Than it was a gift to experience. "You don't want the bottle?" i asked her, as she fussed and cried in my arms. I then looked around, closed the door to her room, and sat down in the rocking chair. As i started to breast feed her, she sucked soundly, as her eyes closed. 

Halle's POV: 

"Happy Birthday baby" Drew said, as i smiled, kissing him, as we made our way to bed. After he expressed to me, how happy he was that i was born. He fell asleep next to me, as i was up with my reading glasses on. The lamp light, was the only thing still on in our bedroom. I flipped to the next page in my book, as my phone vibrated next to me. When i checked it, it was just one of my friends, commenting on my previous photo of Bray. I clicked on it, and was hesitant at first, but went through the comment section. There were several comments of fans and other followers that were calling her beautiful and saying congratulations. But as i kept scrolling.. i found another comment, that made me stop. 

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