Girl's Night Out

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   Montoya circles us as we raise our hands in the air.

"Down on the ground, hands behind your backs," she instructs.

We do as she says, getting down on our knees and placing our hands behind our backs.Montoya adjusts her fedora as her trenchcoat blows in the wind, "I can't believe this case was muddled by some...vigilantes. You two are probably why the trail went cold, right? Did you tamper with police evidence?"

I glance at Batwoman, not knowing how to respond.

"We didn't, we heard about the missing circus children through some street kids and wanted to help," Batwoman explains, trying to make her voice sound lower to corny effect.

Montoya suddenly lowers her gun, "...Barbara?"

She lowers her head, "Wow...seriously, it's that obvious? Is my voice that distinct?"

"You're Batwoman? I would've never guessed," she confesses, "but that doesn't mean I'm not going to turn you in. You have the right-"

"Renee, we can help you," she interrupts, "we know who's been selling the children. We just need to find them. I don't care if you take the credit for it, I just want justice."

Montoya crosses her arms, "Huh...well...if you know who they are. Can you lead me to them?"

Batwoman turns to me, and I respond, "Yes, I think we can."

   "Do you guys always get around on rooftops?" Montoya asks as we scale an apartment fire escape to get to the roof.

"No, we also have the Batmobile," Batwoman responds.

She stops, "...Batmobile?"

"It's what I call it. The name's still a work in progress but so far I haven't thought of anything else."

We reach the top, the morning sun just over the horizon. The three of us take a moment to stare out at the sunrise, the sun peeking out from behind two taller buildings.

Refocusing our attention, we look down at the Flea, just across the street from the rooftop we're standing on. There's no way Clyde, Hakeem, and George would give up control of the Flea so easily. If they're not there themselves, then they at least have people that will lead us to them.

"Alright, if I'm going to be working with you guys, I need to know both of your identities," she glowers at me suspiciously.

I sigh, before removing my mask. Montoya's eyes widen, "N-Natalie...?"

"Small world, isn't it?" I chuckle before putting my mask back on.

"That...that actually makes sense. You use to be a government agent, right? So you'd have the skills for this kind of thing," she realizes.

"What? No way, you use to be a government agent?! You never told me!" Batwoman exclaims.

I chuckle, "I guess it just never came up."

"Okay, finally, if I'm going to be working with you two, I can't be seen doing so. Do either of you have some sort of disguise?" Montoya asks us.

We look at each other, our eyes glancing around for any possibility. Suddenly, I get an idea, "Hey, you could use this!" I take out the mask that I got from Amanda and hand it to Montoya. She looks at it with suspicion, before putting on the mask. I wonder what her face will morph into.

Her facial features disappear, leaving only the outline of her nose.

Batwoman gasps and gawks like a schoolgirl, " have a disguising mask?! Why didn't you tell me about this?!"

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