Lost Heroes

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    As we drive through a deep forested area outside of New York City, we approach an old metal bridge. As the car comes closer to the bridge, a large, gaping black portal opens right in the middle of the bridge. Jessica stops the car, and the three of us get out.

"That looks just like the portal that appeared in the apartment," Jessica mumbles as we stand in front of it.

"Hello!" Ed's voice reverberates from the other side of the portal.

I laugh as I yell into the portal, "Ed!"

"Natalie! I've finally reached you! Just step in and it will transport you back into our universe. You're coming home, Nat," he announces with straight enthusiasm.

Ed pauses for a moment, "Hang on...is that also your universe equivalent standing there as well? I'm getting similar readings-"

"Yes, it's me, the one you sucked into that damn portal and made me go on some kind of LSD trip," Jessica spits at Ed.

She turns to me and shakes her head, "Have fun going through that."

Before I know it, Trish is pulling me into a hug, "It was incredible meeting you, Natalie. I mean, someone from another universe is weird enough, but someone who is supposedly the universe equivalent of my best friend is...really odd, but really amazing."

"Uhm...thanks," I reply, not knowing what else to say.

"Hey, if she's anything like me she wants her personal space, like, right now," Jessica barks to her friend.

Just then, a black van comes roaring down the road, with a man with a purple suit sitting shotgun.

"Oh my god, Kilgrave, he's found us!" Trish gasps, as she makes a head start for the car.

Jessica takes one last glance at me, "Hey...that Oswald guy...don't let him control you, okay?"

I give her a brief smile, "Hey, I'm holding you accountable for that too. Kilgrave isn't so scary, right?"

For the first time, I see Jessica smile as she piles into the car with Trish. The car starts up, and the roar of its engine is the last thing I hear as I step through the portal.

    Blinking my eyes open, I spot the familiar brightness of a green fluorescent light. High, smiley cheeks and a pair of horn-rimmed glasses hang over me.

"Welcome back, Nat," Ed pats me on the head, messing up my hair.

Without hesitation, I grab Ed and pull him into a tight hug. He's slow to react, taking his time to wrap his arms around my waist.

"Ha...it's good to be back, Ed," I chuckle, resting my head against his shoulder.

He pulls me back just a bit to look me in the eye, "You must tell me about your adventures. For...purely scientific purposes, of course."

I raise an eyebrow, "Purely scientific, huh? Not because you want to know about the alternate universe I visited?"

His bright smile turns into a guilty expression, "...alright. Perhaps I would like to know about your experience from a more...human perspective."

Ed jumps to life, circling around me, "What was it like? Was their world alien-like, or did it look like our universe? How different were their customs? How advance was their technology?"

I run my hand through my hair, smiling at him, "Ed, slow down, there will be plenty of time to tell you everything. I still need time to adjust back. How....how long was I away?"

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