Crazy Women

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    After dropping off Eel at a nearby motel, I take the train up to Renee's apartment. After two days of (near) full rest, I feel much better physically, but emotionally...not at my best right now.

"I knew you were hiding something," Ed's voice runs through my head.

"Aren't I always?"

He frowns, crossing his arms, "You have your 'reasons' for hiding things, but I thought we had an understanding. No secrets. this your way of expressing your frustration over my affection for Ms. Kringle?"

I shake my head, "No, Ed, it's nothing like that. It's just...just a work thing. Cops go undercover all the time. I don't see what the issue is-"

"The issue Natalie, is that you are putting not just yourself, but everyone around you in serious danger. can stop now. You don't need to put yourself in perilous situations for what you think is a sacrifice for others," Ed's tone is still timid, but a definite sharpness has arose.

He softens, and clasps his hands on my shoulders, "The people in your life would be much happier if you were"

"'The people in my life'? If it wasn't for work, who would the people in my life be? You?" I snap, pushing away from him.

Ed's shoulders slump, and his hands shake as his cheeks begin to turn red, "...aren't I enough?"

Realizing what I'd just said, I back away, "I-I'm going to meet with Renee and Crispus, tell them that I'm well now."

"Nat, no! You're still not well-"

"I'm still unwell? Or are you just holding me back?" I counter, before marching out the door.

Poor Eel, he probably had to listen to all of that, I think to myself as I keep my head down. I take a deep breath. That conversation with Ed is not over. Does he really want me to back out so bad? And...if it were for him...would I do it? But, at the same time, could I do it? From a practical standpoint, it seems impossible. Oswald knows where I live, and has never seemed to have trouble tracking me down.

Getting off the train, I walk up the stairs to ground level. Renee's apartment is only a few blocks away, and hands in my pockets, I start trudging through the cold streets.

What do I tell Ed? That I'm not going to give up my dual life because I can't? It's unlikely he'd accept that for an answer. But then what?

I ring the doorbell to Renee's apartment, and after hearing some indiscernible shuffling and murmuring, Renee answers the door wearing nothing but emerald green and black lingerie. Behind Renee, I spot Barbara peering in from the bedroom door.

" I interrupting something?" I ask, biting my lip.

Renee turns around, just in time for Barbara to hide her head back in the bedroom. Turning back around, she replies, ", no, we just...weren't expecting you."

I scratch the back of my head, "Yeah, sorry I didn't call ahead of time."

"No, no, it's fine. C'mon in, we'll get changed," Renee opens the door for me, before heading back to her bedroom.

I step into Renee's apartment. It's maybe a tier below Barbara in terms of class, but her eye for decorating is near-identical.

"Hey babe," Barbara greets, walking out from the bedroom in a long white button-down shirt.

She sulks over to me in a sort of graceful dance. I raise an eyebrow as she wraps her arms around me.

"Wow...someone's loose this morning," I chuckle.

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