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    On Kilgrave's command, Jessica follows him back to the apartment, trailing just slightly behind.

"Now, I'll not have you messing about, do you understand me Jessica? Tell me," Kilgrave commands.

"Yes, I understand," Jessica's responds.

He sighs, as the elevator door opens for them, "Good. Tell me, what were your friends doing here anyway?"

She squeezes her fists as they walk inside, and the door closes in front of them, "They...they were trying to help me escape."

"Escape? I don't know what you're trying to escape from," Kilgrave takes Jessica's cheeks into his hands, "you're right where you need to be. Here, with me."

He holds her close, before kissing her on the forehead, "Now...I can actually get back to what I was working on. Go inside the apartment and stay there, Jessica. And when I come back...I'll have a surprise for you."

Kilgrave kisses her once more, this time on the lips, before the elevator door opens once more. Jessica calmly turns toward the door and walks toward the Vaughn's apartment. Kilgrave watches her, his hands in the pockets of his purple jacket, as she opens the door.

"Oh...and Jessica? Look at me," he asks, his voice soft.

She turns around, her hand stuck to the doorknob.

"Let's see a smile," he commands.

Jessica smiles for him, a crooked, forced smile. The elevator door closes, with Kilgrave's eyes on Jessica until he's obscured from view. Jessica opens the apartment door, and marches into the apartment, closing the door behind her.

With a smile still frozen upon her face, her eyes begin to well up, and a tear starts to drip down her cheek. She falls onto her knees in the middle of the apartment, sniffling and wheezing, but still unable to rid herself of the smile sewn onto her face.

She wipes the tears from her face as she hears a faint whirring sound, accompanied by a light breeze. Jessica looks up, and starts to breathe heavily as she's faced with a bright white portal in the middle of the room. Unaffected by its surroundings, the portal seems to be suspended just above the floor.

Getting on her feet, Jessica reaches for the portal, and as soon as her finger touches it, she's sucked in, blinded by the light.

    Jessica blinks open her eyes to find that she's amidst an endless black fog, swirling all around her.

"Wha...?" she murmurs aloud.

Suddenly, Kilgrave's powers start to kick in-

Go to the apartment. Stay in the apartment.

But...where was she? How could she get to the apartment from here?

Find the apartment. Go there. He said stay in the apartment.

Despite her disorientation, Jessica stands, and begins blindly walking through the fog. The black fog obscures most of her vision, and she can only really see about ten feet in front of her.

Where's the apartment? Gotta find the apartment.

She stops, and looks all around her. Nothing but endless fog in every direction. But just then, she turns to her right and spots a tall, lanky man in an old-fashioned gray coat. His back is turned to her, but he's seemingly the only other person around.

"H-...hello? Hello?" Jessica starts to stumble towards him.

The man turns around in a very robotic, and direct manner, revealing nearly combed black hair and horn-rimmed glasses.

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